by Greg Lincoln
Runners from school districts in the Yukon Kuskokwim delta region traveled to the state cross country finals this past weekend to run at Bartlett Trails, the venue for the 2022 State Cross Country event. There were 76 runners in the girls division and 82 for the boys. The Lower Kuskokwim School District girls team featured Chayland Pleasant of Quinhagak, Shalisa McDalton of Tuntutuliak, Jasmine Simons and Panik Chimiugak of Toksook Bay, and Mariah Tinker of Kongiganak.
The boys team members included Matthew Panruk III and Ashton Mathew of Chefornak, Abraham Fisher and Klayton Maxie of Kwethluk, and Raymond Chanar of Toksook Bay.
Chayland Pleasant was the top girls finisher for the LKSD team, crossing the finish line at 28:04 in 56th place. Tunt runner Shalisa McDalton’s time was next at 29:17. She placed 63rd. Coming in 69st place was Toksook Bay’s Jasmine Simons. Her teammate Panik Chimiugak finished in 71st position at 31.58. Mariah Tinker finished in the 72nd spot, her time was 32:32.
For the boys race Matthew Panruk III posted the fastest time for LKSD boys runners. He finished in 17th place with a time of 19:29. His teammate Abraham Fisher took 46th place, his time was 21:58. Raymond Chanar of Toksook Bay was next in 51st position, finishing at 22:18. Chefornak’s Ashton Mathew placed 61st crossing the finish line at 23:40. Klayton Maxie of Kwethluk took 70th at 25:20.
Chevak runner Shayauna Bukowski representing Nenana High School took 19th place, finishing at 24:28. Ariana Tall-Lake of Hooper Bay finished in 29th place with a time of 25:31. Her teammate Ernie Joe, also of Hooper Bay, crossed the line at 26:21 in 40th place.
Chevak’s Abigail Tunutmoak placed 43rd, her time was 26:30. Kuspuk School District’s Kiley Hayden finished in 45th position at 26:51.
Finishing at 50th place was Sandra Tunutmoak at 27:32. Tuluksak’s Jesslyn Allain came in 66th place with a time of 30:12. In 68th was Larenti Kashatok, her time was 30:52. Chelsea Napoka of Tuluksak came in 73rd at 35:50.
For the boys, Hooper Bay’s Latrell Lake finished in 11th, his time was 19:09. Following close behind him in 12th place was Chevak runner Ace Hill. He finished at 19:10.
Sherman Kelila of the Aniak Halfbreeds placed 25th with a time of 19:59. Payton Nanuk of Hooper Bay came in 33rd at 20:34. Aniak runner Dylan Nicholson also raced, placing 37th with a time of 21:05.
Mountain Village racer Darquel Agwiak took 39th finishing at 21:20. Bryson Kasayulie of Akiachak also ran at state, placing 43rd with a time of 21:46. Chevak’s Liam Green placed 47th at 22:02. D’Antre Thomas of Hooper Bay finished at 22:40 placing 53rd.
Daniel Harrison of Wrangell took first place, his time was 17:30. His team placed first also in the team event. In second were the runners from Haines of Southeast AK.
Race day dawned chilly but then warmed up with high gusts of wind blowing through the racegrounds on Saturday, October 8th. Rain was in the forecast which didn’t materialize to the relief of race fans but parts of the race course were muddy from the previous days’ rain. Leaves were blowing everywhere. Folks from all corners of the state enjoyed cheering for their runners and socializing with friends and relatives. Good job to all of our runners, keep it up.