by Greg Lincoln
The official results are in as of the first week of October for the 2023 Regional Education Attendance Area election. A Regional Educational Attendance Area (REAA) is an educational area that is established in an unorganized borough of the state. REAA elections are administered by the Division of Elections. Congratulations to all those elected to serve on your local district school boards and thank you for your dedication to your students.
REAA 2-4 Bering Strait
St. Michael, Stebbins
Seat G
Cheemuk, Milton: 61
Washington, Virginia L.: 28
Write-in: 7
Seat H
Elachik, Richard J. Sr.: 64
Kirk, Ronald D.: 30
Write-in: 2
Alakanuk, Emmonak, Hooper Bay, Kotlik, Marshall, Mt. Village, Nunam Iqua, Pilot Station, Russian Mission, Scammon Bay
Seat A
Agayar, Max: 492
Write-in: 47
Seat B
Redfox, Doug: 459
Write-in: 42
Seat F
Adams, Edward J. “Kalikiurta”: 176
Smith, George H.: 360
Write-in: 12
Seat I
Beans, Frederick P.: 97
Lamont, Fred P. Sr.: 99
Minock, Sheila: 172
Thompson, Kate: 164
Write-in: 16
Goodnews Bay, Chefornak, Eek, Kipnuk, Kongiganak, Kwigillingok, Quinhagak
Seat B
Erik, Janet: 165
Mark, Amanda W.: 147
Write-in: 5
Seat C
Active, Oscar W. Sr.: 298
Write-in: 9
Atmautluak, Kasigluk, Kwethluk, Napakiak, Napaskiak, Nunapitchuk, Tuntutuliak
Seat E
Long, Richard L.: 291
Write-in: 21
Seat F
Cedars, Catherine J.: 306
Write-in: 6
Seat H
Daniel, Clarence L.: 316
Write-in: 9
REAA 5-1 Kuspuk
Crooked Creek, Lower Kalskag, Upper Kalskag
Seat A
Evan, Phyllis E.: 74
Write-in: 10
Seat B
Bobby, Arthur M.: 22
Hoffman, Dwayne M.: 64
Write-in: 2
REAA 11-2 Iditarod
Nikolai, Shageluk
Seat D
Hamilton, Rudolph G.: 23
Maakestad, Walter E.: 22
Write-in: 2
Seat E
Heath, Doug E.: 37
Write-in: 4
REAA 22 Kashunamiut
Seat A
Charles, Andrew A.: 21
Chayalkun, Dorothy: 29
Slats, Gregory E.: 19
Tall, Clarissa R.: 16
Write-in: 0
Seat E
Blakesley-Nash, Dayna P.: 76
Write-in: 17
REAA 23 Yupiit
Akiachak, Akiak, Tuluksak
Seat C
Alexie, Lillian M. “Ayak”: 72
Write-in: 12