The Bethel Housing Coalition is organizing a community wide data collection effort for the nationwide Point-in-Time (PIT) Count on January 23rd. The Point-in-Time Count is an annual effort to get a snapshot of homelessness in our country on one day in January. This data is a requirement for multiple grants provided to organizations that serve homeless populations. The Bethel community has not participated in a coordinated PIT Count for many years, and this year the Housing Coalition is hoping to collect thorough data on homelessness in our community which will help us better serve people experiencing homelessness going forward.
On January 23rd, volunteers will be stationed at AC, Winter House (Covenant Church), and City Hall to administer the survey. In addition, the library will be hosting a Project Homeless Connect event at the cultural center from 11-1 and will administer the survey and provide a hot meal and coffee. The Bethel Police Department’s Community Safety Officers will also be collecting observational data.
The Bethel Housing Coalition is a community group of organizations and community members that serve people experiencing homelessness. The goals of the organization are to work towards developing a Housing First model in Bethel, improving services to homeless youth, and to improve data collection surrounding homelessness in the community. If you are interested in joining the coalition please contact Eileen Arnold at [email protected].
If you are interested in volunteering on January 23rd or in donating a pot of soup please contact Jaela Milford or Theresa Quiner at 543-4516.