by Peter Twitchell
How does one person maximize their life? I’ll share how our Yupiaq Ancestors maximized their lives and their existence as Tribal members. They took to heart and practiced the laws set forth by the Ancients, our ancestors.
In the short span of a hundred years our people have changed dramatically. It seems for the worst from ignoring the teachings of our elders that were set long before our time to respect and love one another and to respect the land which creator God made for us.
Our first people told her children to love one another, to respect and love your elders. How our people have strayed far away from that practice since time immemorial.
Let me share an example of what I saw when I was about five years old. Mom and I walked from Grandma’s house down Main Street when we saw a man passed out on the side of the road, next to the Tundra Shack. The man was sleeping on the side of the road in full view of people walking by, holding a bottle of whiskey.
Mom and I walked down to Samuelson Store across the Brown Slough. After shopping we walked back toward Grandma’s house.
The man who was obviously passed out on the side of the road was still holding his whiskey bottle and no one touched it in the two hours we were gone. People were still practicing the laws of respect and love for each other.
You know as well as I do in this day and age that no one’s money or property is safe from theft. Right now in 2023 your dried fish hanging in your fish cache at fish camp isn’t safe. Your boat, motor, anchor, oars, even your boat trailer isn’t safe anymore!
We have forgotten the Laws handed down to us to carry on by our ancestors, they are not practiced, therefore, no more respect for others’ property, like their everyday tools that they will need to repair their outboard motor.
And our tundra is no longer pristine, it’s trashed. The lakes, sloughs, and rivers are dumping grounds for trash.
And you tell me they don’t want a gold mine because the other guy is going to pollute the water? At least gold mines have strict restrictions they follow and they’re very careful not to pollute our land or waters. Before we start pointing our finger at somebody else let’s try to practice keeping our land and waters clean!! Quyana.