by Peter Twitchell
A friend and I saw a man sitting on the ground at the corner of a drive-through in what it looked like a prayer position.
People often sit at that location with their hungry signs in their hands so when we went shopping we decided to buy some cooked chicken and a bottle of water to give to the man who accepted the food and water with thanks.
I was reminded of a Holy Bible scripture in the Bible I saw as a boy saying, “I was hungry and you didn’t feed me.”
I’ve often heard the cliché, “life isn’t fair.”
When it comes to our own personal circumstances it may not be. We often grumble daily about what is said or done by others in our daily lives. I chalk this up as human nature.
When we don’t agree with something, somebody, the government, or what a person does or says, we say something to the contrary to justify our opposition or dissatisfaction about what was said and done.
Who out there cares what we think? We can have a rally like in the big cities where people want change over something said or done that they didn’t agree with or are unhappy about as seen on television.
I am happy that we as a people that the majority of us watch out for the other persons welfare. Just recently as yesterday I saw a sign stuck to the tailgate of a pickup truck urging drivers to “watch out for motorcycles.”
More power to you for doing so and also for signaling your turns on busy highways and roads and byways to alert other drivers and persons of your intentions.
We are told constantly automobiles are weapons of self-destruction for us and others if we’re not careful and respectful to others on the roads and highways.
When I drive with thousands of others on the Glenn or city streets there are some careless drivers who weave around other vehicles without signaling their turns and as such create danger without regard for other drivers and pedestrians alike.
Who cares I was out there!? Thank God 99% of the drivers do have safe regard for their fellow man and themselves.
God bless you if you can go sit at a restaurant and order yourself a lobster and salmon meal. We well know in this day and age most of us can’t afford such luxury for whatever reason, “who cares?”
I’m still not happy about the television ad that’s broadcast over television daily that tells me to, “Fall in love with furniture!” I know, who cares!? But I do believe we should all love our fellow man like the Good Book says!