by Peter Twitchell
Growing old has not been a drag but I found that I appreciate more of life much more and like they say, every day we’re above ground is a good day. It is a blessing for me to be in my 70s and I have learned to count my blessings and thank creator God for his care.
I keep in touch with people I grew up with or am related to from as far back as 67 years ago. There’s not too many of us left. Sometimes we talk and reminisce and talk about the current day and the hour passes by quickly. Everything our Ancients, our elders said when I was growing up in the 1950’s is becoming a reality today. They said when I was a boy that the weather someday will become fast and I can relate to tornadoes, floods, snow storms and it’s all here what they predicted.
I pray for my children, my grandchildren, and my great grandchildren, my friends, and leaders of our world and I thank the good Lord for his care of all of us.
During the epidemic of 2021 through today I found myself helping people as best I could and some financially. I was there for our Elders and some of today’s generation living in dysfunction. I prayed for them and encouraged them and I talk to them. I did the best I could and they are grateful and I am happy.
Helping others is a natural part of me that I grew up with as a boy. I always told my Mom and Dad, my Grandmother and other elders to help people and not ignore them. If I could do something for them I am grateful. We had elders who talked to us all the time when we were young.
It’s like when we’re told about the Golden Years – my past and present are all golden.
I have to say again it’s amazing because there is never a dull moment. Challenges arise and we cope the best we can as old as we’re getting. But it comes with a lesson – living life to its fullest and what we’ve learned we can pass on to our grandchildren and great grandchildren.
At 73 years young I am thankful for each day and I thank our Creator God Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth for giving me these years to Elderhood.
So let’s not ignore our children, our grandchildren, great-grandchildren and go to the schools and talk with them about life’s lessons that we picked up along the way and always love each other, help each other, encourage each other in our lives while we are still able.
Our youth will one day remember what we said and they will be grateful. Thank you to all my loved ones and people who have taken their time to share with me their lives. Quyana.
Gratitude always good reminder