by Greg Lincoln

The Kuskokwim Learning Academy graduated six seniors this past Friday at the KLA 2022 commencement ceremony. Receiving their new high school diplomas are: Adu Wassillie, Calvin Samson, Chelsea Gilman, and Shawnti Finch of Bethel; Christopher Sheppard of St. Mary’s; Terrance Enoch of Tuntutuliak; and Clowie Smith of Wasilla.
The ceremony was hosted at the Ayaprun Elitnaurvik cinema. Family members and friends filled the theater and cheered as their graduates entered to Pomp and Circumstance. Lower Kuskokwim School District’s site tech Tommy Bayayok provided the live streaming of the event.
Once the graduates were seated the Invocation was given by Pastor Adam London. Dr. Felicia Forletta the Site Administrator for KLA welcomed everyone to the graduation. The KLA Yuraq Dance Group performed two songs for the graduates – Nunaniqvaa and Tarvagnaumken. Singing and drumming for the songs were soon-to-be graduates Terrence Enoch and Adu Wassilie.
The commencement speaker was Mrs. Ledwina Ayaprun “Loddie” Jones of Scammon Bay/Bethel – a longtime educator for the Ayaprun Immersion School, the school which is named after her. She presented each graduate with an ayaruq, or walking stick marked with 2022. She told the graduates and those who were there that the ayaruq is a very important tool to have because it helps you to feel if something is too deep to cross, like a stream or swamp when you are on the tundra or in the wilderness. It also helps you to get yourself out if you happen to fall through the ice and it protects you from any wild animals that may try to harm you. She recalled how her own mother would make sure that she had her ayaruq with her whenever she was going to venture out.
She told the graduates that they will now be looking out for each other, helping others to make the right choices, to be strong for their families and others. She told them that they are now going out into the world and they need their ayaruqs.
The ayaruq protects, it saves lives, and it guards against dangers. The graduates would pound their walking sticks in unison at the direction of Ms. Ayaprun Jones.
Dr. Forletta presented the graduates with their diplomas. Terrence Enoch and Adu Wassilie both gave heartfelt speeches. They were grateful for all the support they received especially when times got tough and they felt like giving up and now they are here today graduating. The graduates could not help but show their emotions and some tears were shed.
A slideshow concluded the ceremony and everyone greeted the new grads in the foyer for photos and gift giving. Congratulations to the KLA Class of 2022! Good job, well done!
KLA Class of 2022 Motto: Nothing we do changes the past; everything we do changes the future.