The Indian Affairs Office of Indian Economic Development announced it is accepting applications from Tribes and Tribal organizations for the Living Languages Grant Program. The program provides an opportunity for Tribes to receive funding for Native language immersion projects that support a cohesive Tribal community approach.
“Native languages are at the heart of a Tribe’s unique cultural identity, traditions, spiritual beliefs and self-governance,” said Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Bryan Newland. “These investments in Tribal language immersion programs through the Living Languages Grant Program are part of our effort to meet our trust responsibility to protect the cultural existence of American Indian and Alaska Native communities.”
The program is anticipated to award between 18 to 22 grants, ranging in value from $250,000 to $300,000 per year for three years to develop and implement immersion projects that can provide an “all-of-community” language program with measurable outcomes which will be achieved within the three years. Recent changes in the grant program include larger funding amounts and longer grant performance periods, reflecting recommendations received during consultation and alignment with the draft Framework for the 10-Year National Plan on Native Language Revitalization.
The Living Languages Grant Program is a competitive discretionary program administered by the Office of Indian Economic Development through its Division of Economic Development. Proposals must be submitted by the due date indicated on The solicitation and details on how to apply can be found on the Federal Register notice and the full announcement on Grants.Gov.
Questions about this solicitation may be addressed to Mr. Dennis Wilson, Grant Management Specialist, OIED – Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior, at 505-917-3235 or [email protected].