Download the ISN AWC app on your phone.
Sign up.
Follow the instructions to start documenting and submitting nominations. Photos of sport-caught anadromous fish, wild salmon, trout or other species in the streams, juvenile fish, and even spawned out carcasses work. Species must, however, be clearly identifiable.
Additional resources:
Go to for more information and guidelines.
Text “fish” to: 1-855-736-4949 and you’ll get an automated response asking you what area you’re interested in mapping. Reply with a community name — “Bethel,” “Anchorage,” “Cordova,” etc.) and you’ll get a text with the current AWC map of the area.
Those who want trainings – community groups, volunteer activities, schools or sports teams seeking fundraising opportunities, as a few examples — should reach out to Poe for more information. [email protected]