For Sale
Houses for Sale – 20% Price Reduction on all houses!
Must be moved. Call Shorty at 907-545-3157 for prices. (18)(6/2-cnx)
For Sale:
Hitzer Amish built woodstoves. UHMW Plastic sled runners. 543-2379. (11)(3/1-cnx)
300 Gallon Plastic Water Tanks in stock. Call Shorty at Shorty’s Shop for pricing. 543-3158 or 545-3157 (19)(9/18-cnx)
For Sale: Plastic Water Tanks
Only 31” wide, 70” high, 74” long. 500 Gallons, easily connect two for 1000 gallons! Fits through most doors for easy installation. Contact Shorty for pricing and information (907) 545-3157. (35)(6/21-cnx)

For Sale: Small House 22 by 20 must be moved $14000. 545-0929 (12)(3/3-cnx)
4.9 Acres Fishcamp Land for Sale. 1-907-545-0103. (7)(5/19-cnx)
2009 Honda Pilot for sale | Needs transmission | $5000 OBO | CALL 907-240-7185 | SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY (18)(10/27-3/16)
For Rent
Real Estate
House for Sale
Rent to Buy. $400,000. 4 bedroom, 1 bedroom guest house. Storage. In Uivik Sub. (213) 587-1882 (19)(10//20-cnx)
Looking to Hire 2 Carpenters
Pay Rate D.O.E. Summer and Fall Season. Send your resume to [email protected]. More info to call listed phone number below.
Joe Pete/ Apollo Home Solutions, LLC, 907-545-6762 (32)(7/21-cnx)
Bethel Family Clinic, Bethel, AK is seeking full-time Internal Medicine / Primary care / Family Practice Physician / Medical Director for our medical clinic in Bethel, AK. Our highly valued physician enjoys industries above average yearly compensation and top tier benefit packages. J1 Waiver/H1B applicants can apply. NO RECUITERS. Contact with resume and cover letter to Denise Kinegak, Human Resources Director, [email protected], 907-543-3773 l Ext. 8004. Visit http://www.bethelfamilyclinic.org for more information. (71)(10/27-11/17)
Request for Proposals
The Native Village of Napaimute is now accepting proposals from qualified entities for the following:
Development of a Cellular Phone Application for the Kuskokwim River Ice Road
The intent of this project is to improve the safety of travelers on the Kuskokwim Ice Road through easily accessible information that includes regularly updated ice thicknesses, current weather, and ice road conditions through the development of an application for cell phones.
The closing date for accepting proposals is November 15, 2021 – 5 PM Alaska Standard Time
For more information please contact:
Mark Leary
[email protected] (97)(9/29-11/10)
The Lower Kuskokwim School District is inviting bids for the 2022 Fuel Requirements. Interested potential contractors must contact Ms. Susan Herron in the LKSD Business office at (907) 543-4821 or email at [email protected] to request copy of the Request for Proposal 22-800-Fuel. All sealed proposals will be accepted at the LKSD District Office, Attn. Gary Fredericks, Business Manager; P.O. Box 305; 1004 Ron Edwards Way; Bethel, AK 99559 until 5:00 PM Local time on Monday, November 19, 2021. All sealed proposals must reference our RFP#22-800-FUEL on the outside of the envelope. LKSD reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. (116)(10/27-11/10)
Invitation to Bid
For sale through sealed bids
Orutsararmiut Native Council is accepting sealed bids of used vehicles listed below.
1997 Chevy Silverado: VIN# 1GCHK33R6VF025448. Mileage 126,883 bad transmission 2nd gear inoperable. Transmission to be swapped to an operable used one by Lumi. Engine oil consumption due to worn out engine gaskets. Vehicle # 1. Minimum Bid $500.00.
2007 Ford Explorer: VIN# 1FMEV73E17VB10368. Mileage 89,192. License Plate GPJ841. Runs. Known Problems; no reverse bad transmission undercarriage issues doors and windows basically inoperable. Vehicle # 2. Minimum bid $250.00.
2010 Subaru Forester: VIN# 3F2SH6AC9AH749946. Mileage 79,670. License Plate YYZ518.Runs. Known problems; all cv axles need replacing/wheel bearings. Has a transmission leak somewhere possible driveline u-joint replacements needed. Blower motor fan/switch issues. Vehicle #3. Minimum bid $250.00.
These items will be sold to the highest bidder, as is, where is, with no warranties, either expressed or implied. Successful bidder must remit payment within 3 business days of bid opening, and move the vehicles at own risk within 2 days of remittance of payment. Bids of less than the minimum bid amount, or bids received after the bid deadline will not be considered for award.
Bids will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time, November 24th, at which time the bids will be read aloud. Bids shall be in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with the Vehicle Number being bid, time/date of the bid opening and name/number of bidder. Each vehicle must be bid separately in a separate envelope. Send bid to: ONC, attn: Calvin Cockroft, PO Box 927, Bethel, Alaska 99559 or drop off at the ONC Office at 117 Alex Hately Drive. Vehicles will be numbered and can be viewed at the ONC parking lot. (281)(11/3-17)
Public Notice
VFW MEMBERSHIP Freedom isn’t free, and millions of Americans have paid the price for the freedom we enjoy today. Since 1899, the Veterans of Foreign Wars has served those who served America. From writing veterans legislation and then leading the fight to get it through Congress, to community projects that benefit all Americans, the VFW is an opportunity for veterans to continue to serve. Contact the VFW Robert V. Lindsey Post #10041 at 543-2241 and ask what you can do for your community. (83)(3/26-cnx)
Project Title: Saint Mary’s Airport Improvements
Project No.: #Z605630000.
The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF), in cooperation with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), is soliciting comments on a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for a proposed project to upgrade existing facilities. Improvements would include resurfacing airport surfaces, expanding runway safety areas, constructing drainage improvements, replacing all edge lighting, installing new precision path indicators and runway end identifier lights, and developing a temporary barge landing. The purpose of the proposed project is to improve safety and extend the service life of the Saint Mary’s Airport.
The Draft EA can be viewed online at: https://dot.alaska.gov/nreg/stmarys/
As per the NEPA process, a public meeting and/or public hearing will be held virtually on November 22, 2021 via https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84931454908. Written comments may be sent to Christopher F. Johnston, Project Manager, DOT&PF Preliminary Design & Environmental, 2301 Peger Rd., Fairbanks, AK 99709 or [email protected] by November 29, 2021.
If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Christopher F. Johnston, P.E., Project Manager, at 451-2322 for information on project environmental impacts. Before including your address, phone number, e-mail address or other personal identifying information in your comment, be advised that your entire comment – including your personal identifying information – may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold from public review your personal identifying information, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.
It is the policy of the DOT&PF that no person shall be excluded from participation in, or be denied benefits of any and all programs or activities we provide based on race, religion, color, gender, age, marital status, ability, or national origin, regardless of the funding source including Federal Transit Administration, Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Highway Administration and State of Alaska Funds. The DOT&PF complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with a hearing impairment can contact DOT&PF at our Telephone Device for the Deaf (TDD) at (907) 451-2363. Pub: October 27, 2021 (354)(11/3)