Easter Sunday

by Peter A. Twitchell

I was brought up from a baby in the 1950s. Already, our Yupiaq people like my Grandma Hannah Pitka, my Mom Sarah, her sister Annie Nansen, Mary Kohl, and Mollia Woods we’re already members of the Bethel Moravian Church.

All the holidays were celebrated by the church and the people but Easter Sunday was observed as a time to give our lives to the King Lord God Almighty Christ Jesus of Nazareth.

Our people had long believed in the Son of the Universe long before missionaries set foot on our tundra and our villages.

Our belief that there was Creator God is long standing for the indigenous people, the native people of Southwest Alaska, Yupiaqs. They had the strength and love of their Creator God who taught them first to love each other and others, unconditionally.

The Moravian Church added to the strength and worship and Easter Sunday teaching the people “Christ the Lord is risen and he is the reason for the season.”

We were taught that the crucifixion of Christ Jesus of Nazareth was not the end but the beginning and on the third day Jesus Christ of Nazareth rose again from the dead to save our souls from eternal death.

We were told that Christ Jesus of Nazareth died on the cross and rose again so that we may have life everlasting. Someone might find themselves doubting this but you are not the only one, you can be a part of the fight to live a Christian life committed to walk in Christ Jesus of Nazareth’s footsteps.

Our lives can be transformed from the sins of a dark world just like the calling of our people – the Elders and ancestors before us. God will be praised until He returns. Our lives can be transformed today if we choose to be part of God Almighty’s life and promise to have complete peace and live a life everlasting.

Mankind, we were all created to worship our king Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Return to Him today, give your life to Jesus, He will change you inside and outside.

We have to be ready to meet Him our King someday unashamed when our time and turn comes. One of my favorite times was the morning of Easter Sunrise Service at the Bethel cemetery on Ridgecrest looking at the crosses with our ancestors names and our families names on them. They are waiting for their King in hopes to live with Him forever.