by Peter Twitchell
Bobby Fredericks was my friend for the past 50 years. I first met him at one of the Cowan Hut dances we used to have back in the 1960’s. He came to most of our dances, loved to dance and always without fail had a big smile on his face.
He was calm, always had positive affirmations, a peaceful man, and I don’t believe he had enemies. I will never forget his kindness, smile and positive demeanor.
And, that’s the way I remember him and I was saddened to hear of his passing March 08, 2017 at Seward.
The last time I saw Bobby was at the hospital here and like always had a smile and a greeting. I know he will live on in our hearts, just like we did in his. So long, for now, my good and faithful friend.
I asked 2 guys to help me with my storage a couple years ago, but discovered there were 3 of them when I went home for lunch that day, and I didn’t appreciate that too much, because the 3rd person was evidently helping himself to some of my storage stuff.
That day an 8X10 picture of my dad and his dogteam was torn, of all places right in half and part of dad’s face was torn.
Last week I texted a friend of mine in Anchorage and she gave me Kelly’s Custom Photo Lab address which I appreciated very much because they photo shop and restore torn and wavy pictures digitally. I happened to believe in the miracle of modern digital technology, it is amazing.
The photo looks better than my old photo did after 20 plus years in storage, it is a masterpiece that I took on my 1959 Kodak Instamatic camera!
I have a lot to be thankful for and one is my friends past and present, those yet to come and good memories.