Coastal Villages Region Fund (CVRF) recently completed the summer 2017 CVRF Internship Program, with participating Western Alaska youth gaining valuable work experience in locations across the region, Anchorage, and Seattle.
This year, the CVRF Internship Program attracted 18 interns who were hired to work at CVRF offices in Hooper Bay, Chefornak, Scammon Bay, Tununak, Quinhagak, Chevak, Toksook Bay, Napaskiak, Kipnuk, Napakiak, Anchorage, and Seattle. The interns collectively earned over $115,000 in wages for their work between May and August 2017.
“Every year we hire some of the hardest working young people from our region to work as interns in our Community Service Centers and in our corporate offices, said CVRF’s Community Information Coordinator, Lang Van Dommelen. “During their 10 weeks with us, they work with various departments and learn valuable skills needed in today’s work environment. As one of the coordinators of the program, I have been privileged to work with these exceptional individuals, and I have watched them grow and develop throughout their time with us. I believe all of these interns have the ability to continue to develop throughout their education and careers and become the future leaders of the CVRF region.”
Interns who were based in communities across the region assisted with daily operations at their respective Community Service Centers and helped organize the CVRF Youth-to-Work program and other summer activities. Interns based in CVRF’s Anchorage and Seattle offices were placed in corporate departments such as Accounting, HR, IT and Legal.
“During my internship experience, I enjoyed working with my fellow youth and the team at CVRF, said Bradley Lake of Hooper Bay. “I gained a lot of work experience and I appreciate working with such a good company. The internship experience was a great opportunity and will be very helpful for my future.”
“I recently got the opportunity to work with Coastal Alaska Premier Seafoods, a subsidiary of Coastal Villages Region Fund, this past summer,” said Zane DeBilt of Quinhagak. “During the internship, I felt I have gained additional knowledge which will assist me in pursuing a Master’s degree this fall. I will be pursuing a graduate degree in Business Administration, and Coastal Villages has helped prepare me for the opportunity with the various services it offers for youth and students in its communities. I was lucky enough to participate for a year in the Youth-to-Work program while in secondary school, and upon entering university, receive scholarships and internships which were instrumental in graduating this past May. Youth getting higher education and developing a work ethic is an important factor in helping develop the CVRF communities, and the company does a great job in assisting those who look to further their studies. I would like to thank CVRF for the support they have provided so far, and look forward to seeing the change Coastal Villages helps bring to the region and its people in the future.”
More information about the CVRF Internship Program can be found at http://www.coastalvillages.org/join-our-team/internships.