by Greg Lincoln
The season of running is here with school back in session, teams have been practicing for their local meets since July 26th. This past Friday the Ayaprun Elitnaurvik Immersion School in Bethel hosted the annual Mamterilleq Mile for students in 4th – 8th grades. Girls and boys teams raced from the Ayaprun School, out to the seawall trail and back. Families and friends turned out in high numbers to cheer on their runners, good job everyone.
Other meets are taking place throughout our region including next weekend at Kwethluk and the Bethel Warriors will be headed to the Colony Invitational and others I am sure.
Cross country is a great way to promote physical fitness at all levels, it instills sportsmanship, teamwork, and discipline in our youth and is a fun event. Team members and families form friendships and bonds that last throughout their school years.
2023 Mamteriller Mile Results
August 18, 2023
4/5th Girls Results
Name, Time, Grade
1 Naciqan Stanley, 7:27; 5
2 Cikigaq Kaiser, 7:32; 5
3 Ria Martins, 7:48; 4
4 Mikngayaq Beaver, 8:04; 4
5 Tenisha Johnson, 8:18; 5
6 Ayagalria O’Hearn, 8:35; 5
7 Kaina Emini. 8:41; 4
8 Iqitailnguq Kaganak, 8:45; 4
9 Aciualria Evon, 8:51; 4
10 Ciugun Samson, 9:18; 4
11 Ashley Noes, 9:42; 5
12 Cungauyar Charles, 9:49; 5
13 Qaluk’aq Chase, 9:51; 4
14 Alqaq Wilde, 9:54; 5
15 Caikaq Chase, 10:15; 5
16 Maudrey Kernak, 10:27; 5
17 Nova Kerr, 10:35; 4
18 Karrie Okitkun, 10:36; 4
19 Tulvalek Young, 10:53; 4
20 Andrea Atseriak, 11:00; 5
21 Kaali Amik, 11:07; 5
22 Cagluaq Berlin, 11:24; 4
23 Arnacungaq Trammel, 12:15; 4
24 Cirraq David-Yoon, 12:39; 4
25 Cagluaq Pleasant, 13:19; 4
4/5th Boys Results
Name, Time, Grade
1 Utuan Uttereyuk, 7:29; 5
2 Drake Kohl, 7:32; 4
3 Cakayak Nicholas, 7:52; 5
4 Rex Morgan, 7:55; 4
5 Leland Olrun, 8:04; 5
6 Kumak Tulik, 8:37; 5
7 Qataq Nenneman, 8:59; 4
8 Panikgaq London, 9:07; 5
9 Akiugalria Merculief, 9:11; 4
10 Cedric Emmons, 9:12; 5
11 Tallilek Andrew, 9:17; 4
12 Ciqilaq Carl, 9:21; 4
13 Ussugan Brink, 9:23; 4
14 Tulurakuk Vanasse, 9:28; 5
15 Asian Gill, 9:40; 4
16 Cade Morgan, 9:48; 4
17 Ayagina’ar Charlie, 10:08, 4
18 Cupluar Jones, 10:21, 5
19 Aqesgiq Trefon, 10:25, 5
20 Murran Naneng, 11:05, 4
21 Asgulria White, 11:06, 4
22 Qak’aq Nenneman, 12:31, 5
6/7/8th Grade Girls Results
Name, Time, Grade
1 Panitai Dyment, 6:19; 8
2 Maya Iverson, 6:41; 7
3 Alqaq Evon, 6:48; 8
4 Nurataaq Lefferts, 6:49; 5
5 Sally Peters, 6:50; 8
6 Emilyn Herron, 7:15; 7
7 Khloe Anderson, 7:16; 7
8 Kaitlyn Wade, 7:18; 8
9 Isabelle Kerr, 7:19; 8
10 Arianna Roehl, 7:20; 7
11 Rose Rivers, 7:24; 7
12 Aaquqsaq Brink, 7:38, 6
13 Codi Hancock, 7:43, 6
14 Assiqtaq Evon, 7:46; 7
15 Keilani Smith, 7:50, 6
16 Elise Okitkun, 7:01; 7
17 Arnaquq Peter, 8:20, 6
18 Katri Naneng, 8:26, 6
19 Arnaucuaq Jones, 8:35; 7
20 Rebekah Carmichael, 8:37; 7
21 Negaralria Charlie, 8:40, 6
22 Gwendolyn Street, 8:41; 8
23 Adelyn Riley, 8:47, 6
24 Antonia Craven, 8:54, 6
25 Taassaq Samuelson, 9:02, 6
26 Anguyaluk Hoffman, 9:16, 6
27 Claire Lee, 9:28; 8
28 Nuqarrluk Mukluk, 9:34, 6
29 Igvaq Jung, 9:39, 6
30 Marianne Anderson, 9:45; 8
31 Sophia Gagilardi, 9:48, 6
32 Kale Emmons, 10:05, 6
33 Abigail Jackson, 10:06, 6
34 Ashley Fox, 10:49, 6
6/7/8th Grade Boys Results
Name, Time, Grade
1 Capayuk Iverson, 5:48; 8
2 Angirraq Lefferts, 5:50; 8
3 Max Lonewolf, 6:07; 8
4 Kass’acuar Merculief, 6:30; 8
5 Iinruangcaq Nicholai, 6:40; 7
6 Aataq McIntyre, 6:44; 6
7 Ronald Ferguson, 6:46; 8
8 Kunuin Charlie, 6:48; 8
9 Carver Hancock, 7:09; 8
10 Akuk’aq Sparck, 7:13; 7
11 Harrison Morris, 7:25; 6
12 Mikngayaq Abalama, 8:04; 6
13 Ayagina’ar Latham, 8:05; 7
14 Tatuk’aq Charlie; 8:52; 7
15 Cole Moses, 10:03, 6
16 Connor Solesbee 10:54, 6