by Peter Twitchell
Old age is not bad. I’m more content with life, more relaxed, more focused. I regard good health way up there, it’s very important these days to take care of oneself.
Paying bills on time, I work hard at that. I am thankful that my bookkeeping experience from 1972 at the Kenaitzi Indian Vocational Training School in Kenai helps me.
I enjoy going to church where I find peace and understanding and I’m more alert about life around me, around the world, in the United States, and I cast my vote every election to pick the best possible candidates that will serve the people well. I choose my friends still as I used to when I was younger and we are mutually respective of each other.
I enjoy my family and grandkids tremendously every chance and moment I have with them. One thing I learned about putting beautiful thoughts and pictures in my mind is living in the Matanuska-Susitna Valley where I find the mountains, the meadows and the landscape, so peaceful and beautiful, and I put all that in my mind.
I still appreciate good music, as music has been part of our lives in my family since I was born. During the epidemic of 2020, 21, 22 and 23 I translated many country and western songs into my native language, Yupiaq.
I learned the Lords prayer in my native language as well as I remember. My Grandma Hannah used to pray out loud before dinner at the table and recited the Lord’s Prayer. I like every word she spoke. It was traditional, all time native language. I asked the good Lord to help me remember the prayer because I hadn’t bothered to learn it until I was 71 years old. Amazingly, I learned the prayer as I heard it from my Grandma as a young boy.
I enjoy finding good warm clothing and donating them to the Anchorage Mission for the homeless, and I get great satisfaction out of other people’s donations and my own to bring to them.
I donate every year to the PBS Station KTUU in Anchorage because I thoroughly enjoy their native programs and I get to see my good friend Earl Polk Jr., Keggull’uk.
In my old age, if you call old 73 years, I really enjoy driving and I dread the day when it comes when I’m not allowed to drive anymore but at 73 my vision is clear, my reflexes are still good. Back in 1972 I was trained by the Alaska State Trooper detective in Kenai, how to drive defensively, and that has paid off many times to avoid the dangers of the roads and highways. Thank you to that state trooper who took the time to train me.
I am surrounded by snow. I’ve never seen so much snow since I was a boy back in the 50s. Have a great day and as Andy Edge used to say, God bless.