by Chantal de Alcuaz
Last week, Alyse Galvin visited Bethel for the second time as part of her bid to unseat Don Young in Congress. She is an independent running in the Democratic Primary which will be held August 21st. Alyse was in Bethel in March for Cama-i and was invited back by supporter Beverly Hoffman to visit villages up and down river.
“I am extremely grateful to Bev for the invitation and for the opportunity to hear first-hand what’s important to the people of the YK Delta.” Alyse said. I had an incredible time being here for Cama-i, but I realized that I only scratched the surface of this region and was excited to return to visit surrounding communities.”
Alyse spent most of the day last Monday in Kwethluk and Napaskiak. In Kwethluk she met elders, heard from the Kwethluk Council, the police chief and City representative Boris Epchook. In Napaskiak she met Tribal Administrator Sharon Williams, teachers, store personnel and other members of the community.
“It’s important to me hear directly from people about their passions and concerns. From river bank erosion, to the crisis with King salmon to struggles with addiction, there are important ways that the federal government can better support this region if we choose to.”
Don Young has been in Congress for 45 years. Alyse Galvin’s competitive campaign is catching the attention of people throughout the state and the country. Since announcing her candidacy in January she has built a network of more than 500 volunteers from all over Alaska. Alyse hopes to visit Bethel again in the fall after winning the primary.
Chantal de Alcuaz is the Finance Director for Alyse for Alaska.