by Greg Lincoln
Every one of us has that certain food that we like to eat. We will eat it and then after some time has passed we will want to eat it again. These are comfort foods. They are highly valued and may have sentimental significance to us. We crave them and we love them.
Comfort food likes can run in the family because they are shared between loved ones and children are likely to enjoy the same kinds of foods their parents like. These food loves can be passed on from generation to generation.
Can you think of any foods like that in your own family? For us we like our native subsistence foods, and especially the ones that are from the coast where we are from. Each area in our homeland has excellent foods that are distinctly unique to that certain area. Some are widespread and some are local.
When we are suffering from bereavement grief which can sometimes turn into Complicated Grief, eating our comfort foods may help us. The familiarity of the food can be soothing and there is no confusion about how to eat it, you just do it. The sentimental significance can also play a part by the way it applies a layer of security and fond memory, evoking those traditional family tastes and customs that run deep going back eons and eons of time.
When a family is suffering from a loss and the blow is crushing, nothing on earth matters anymore and the only thing we feel is pain, permeating anguish and sorrow. We are so thankful for our loved ones who care so much for us, rushing to our side to take care of us in our time of desperate need.
We were like helpless babies, only knowing sleep and weeping, not wanting to be alone.
And you came, your arms loaded with comfort food, knowing that our grief-wracked bodies needed nourishment and love. You kept our kitchen well-stocked and clean, thank you so much.
Another term for Complicated Grief is Complicated Bereavement Disorder. It has been said that complicated grief affects the brain to make it feel like it is waiting for and expecting a reward. That reward never comes because the only thing that can help is to have your loved one back in your arms and we have to, somehow, stay strong. And for that we have the rest of our lives to wait. That is why this grief lasts and lasts, never diminishing, always present, as constant as time itself.
It is such a heavy thing to bear, but bear it we must and shall.
After returning from a trip, the first thing we do is take out the comfort foods and that usually includes seal oil and dry fish. The seal oil that Kelly made tastes so good, thank you Lord. Quyana to those who have shared with us. You are a sharing people and we honor you.
Many are bereaved, it is something that is. Friends, let’s continue our prayers for them and for each other, quyana.