Celebrating Christmas

by Peter Twitchell

Worldwide we as a human race have had our share of turmoil and anxiety with viruses, storms, wars, and anger. December is the time of peace and joy when families, tribes, and strangers gather together to celebrate Christmas. Christmas brings us all together with our loved ones and we exchange gifts with each other. No matter how small the gift, we give from our hearts.

Memories of when I was a boy growing up in Bethel, Alaska in the 1950s tell of the times when we could feel the joy and happiness of the season with the laughter of our grandparents, grandmas, and loved ones as the song goes, “Love was in the air.”

The greatest emotion only we can share with everyone is love. Life then was simple, pure, and cherished by all.

Just 21 days from today we will celebrate Christmas. Children come to mind, they have always been excited and obedient. We were told to listen to our parents and grandparents. We were obedient completely, never partially or we would risk the opportunity for a visit from Santa who in our Yupiaq language is called, “Alussistuarturalria” or “one who goes house to house, home to home leaving Christmas gifts under the tree for good boys and girls”.

Listening and obeying often paid off.

We also celebrate the Christ Child, Almighty Creator God’s only son whom He gave to the world promising that “whosoever believeth in Him will have Everlasting Life.” Almighty Creator God’s gift to us and promise to all who believes his word. Hear God’s word, obedience equals peace.

When our smoke alarm of life starts beeping, indicating there may be disobedient in our lives, we need to obey God‘s peace without fear and obey immediately. Any delay in obedience is disobedience and we should obey in God’s time, not our own time.

Wishing everyone an early Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Alussistuaqegcikici tamarpeci.