Early endorsements issued by Calista’s Public Advocacy and Engagement Committee.
Today (March 7th, 2022), Calista (cha-LIS-tah) Corporation’s Public Advocacy and Engagement Committee (PAEC) announces endorsements ahead of the 2022 general election. Calista is comprised of more than 34,000 Alaska Native Shareholders from 56 villages spread out along the Bering Sea coast and two of Alaska’s mightiest rivers—the Yukon and Kuskokwim. It is the largest regional Alaska Native corporation based on the number of its Shareholders.
The federal endorsements are:
• U.S. Senate, Alaska: Sen. Lisa Murkowski
• U.S. House of Representatives, Alaska: Rep. Don Young
“Both Sen. Murkowski and Rep. Young have strong records of listening and working to solve problems unique to the Calista Region,” said Andrew Guy, Calista Corp. President/CEO. “They enjoy longevity in Congress and sit on important committees that make critical decisions for Alaska and Calista’s Alaska Native Shareholders. They are effective leaders who have earned the respect of their colleagues on both sides of the aisle. That is the kind of service and results we need in Washington.”
The process for making these endorsements included conversation, discussion, and friendly debate among members of Calista’s non-partisan PAEC, which is made up of eight Calista Shareholders.
“We feel strongly these candidates for federal office have proven themselves as champions for our Region and have earned early endorsements,” said Robert Beans, PAEC Chair. “This election is too important to sit on the sidelines while issues like the salmon disaster, public safety, and infrastructure for our people remain unresolved. We know from experience U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Rep. Don Young understand our issues and work to address our concerns in Washington.”
Among the issues considered during the endorsement process:
• Increasing infrastructure in the Yukon Kuskokwim Region
• Response to continued low salmon runs and continued closure of subsistence and commercial fisheries for king and chum salmon
• Housing for law enforcement officials in rural areas
• Yukon-Kuskokwim Regional Tribal Government
• Violence Against Women Act reauthorization
Calista will work to inform Shareholders through grassroots efforts about these endorsements. In addition, Calista will continue highlighting the need for Shareholders—and all Alaska Native people—to make their voices heard by voting in the August primary election and the November general election.
The Public Advocacy and Engagement Committee will be reviewing candidates for state elections later this year. More information can be found at www.calistacorp.com/paec.