The Calista (cha-LIS-ta) Corporation Board of Directors elected officers following the successful virtual 2020 Annual Meeting of Shareholders. Robert Beans was reelected as Board Chair, Margaret Pohjola (poi-YO-la) as Vice Chair, Johnnie Evan (ee-VAN) as Secretary, and Earl Samuelson, Sr. as Treasurer.
Beans was first elected to the Board in 2012. He has previously served as Board Secretary, as well as on various Board committees. He currently serves on the board for Alaska Village Electric Cooperative. His previous experience includes work on the Rural Alaska Sanitation Council, Mountain Village’s Asa’carsarmiut Tribal Council and various other organizations. A veteran and former law enforcement officer, he was honorably discharged as Captain from the Alaska Army National Guard with nearly 20 years of service.
Pohjola has served since 1987 and is a past Chair. She has held various accounting roles with the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Cook Inlet Tribal Council and the Alaska State Employees Association.
Evan was elected to the Board in 2013, is a former Tribal Services Director for AVCP, retired as Major from the Alaska Army National Guard, and is an Alaska Legion of Merit award recipient.
Samuelson has served on the Board since 2014, is a member of Bethel Search & Rescue, and was an aircraft pilot for the Alaska Department of Public Safety for over 30 years.
Fellow Directors elect officers. Each officer serves a one-year term, with the Chair serving a maximum of three consecutive terms. Calista congratulates the reelection of the Board officers and thanks the Board of Directors for continuing the successful course for Calista.
Calista encourages Shareholders to vote online and opt-in to receive electronic Annual Meeting materials. Nearly 1,800 Shareholders opted to receive Annual Meeting materials electronically this year, saving over 1,300 pounds of paper. Shareholders can opt-in at: www.calistacorp.com/electronicdelivery