he Calista Corporation Board of Directors has appointed Glenn J. Ivanoff as the Unit 3 Interim Director.
Ivanoff, whose Yup’ik name is Ciuniq, is a U.S. Air Force veteran with ties to St. Mary’s. He currently works for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Native American Programs in Anchorage.
The Unit 3 director position became vacant with the passing of Robert L. Beans last year, after which the Board opened an application period for qualified Calista Corporation Shareholders to apply for the position.
The Board of Directors appointed Ivanoff after reviewing applications submitted by eligible Shareholders with ties to the Unit 3 villages of Kotlik, Chuloonawick, Mountain Village, Pitka’s Point and St. Mary’s. The deadline to apply was November 17.
Pursuant to the Calista Bylaws, “any vacancy on the Board of Directors may be filled by the affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining Directors.” The Board selected Ivanoff after reviewing applications at its December 2023 meeting.
Ivanoff will serve the remainder of the Unit 3 term, which will be up for election at the 2024 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
Calista Corporation has over 36,900 Shareholders and is the parent company of more than 30 subsidiaries in the following industries: defense contracting, construction, real estate, environmental services, natural resource development, marine transportation, oilfield services, and heavy equipment sales, service and rentals. Since 1994, Calista has provided more than $6.1 million in scholarships to its Shareholders and Descendants. Since inception, Calista has declared more than $129.4 million in dividends and distributions, including $11.3 million in Elders’ Benefit Program distributions to Shareholders.