• 2-16-18 12:18 p.m. Jail Parking lot, person having an overdose. Patient transported to the hospital.
• 2-16-18 5:30 p.m. AC Quick intoxicated person needing medics. BPD transported patient due to multiple calls going on.
• 2-16-18 6:39 p.m. Sobering Center, person unresponsive. Patient transported to the hospital.
• 2-16-18 7:13 p.m. H Marker Lake, person assaulted. Patient transported to the hospital.
2-16-18 7:38 p.m. Grant Aviation, • person with a broken leg. Patient transported to the hospital.
• 2-16-18 Ptarmigan, intoxicated person unresponsive. Patient transported to the hospital.
• 2-17-18 Street in front of Fire Station, intoxicated person unresponsive. Patient transported to the hospital.
• 2-17-18 at 3:34 pm Medics responded to Alex Hately for the report of a person with a bloody nose. Patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• 2-17-18 at 5:42 pm Medics responded to the AC Main Store for the report of an intoxicated person. Patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• 2-17-18 at 10:26 pm Medics responded to Kusko Court for the report of a person with a broken arm. Patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• 2-19-18 at 11:35 am Medics responded to Baba’s Pizza for the report of a person having an anxiety attack. Patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• 2-19-18 at 12:53 pm Fire fighters responded to the Tundra Center for the report of a fire alarm activation. Investigation revealed that a washer had been overloaded causing the motor to overheat. Fire fighters found no signs of fire, cleared scene and returned to quarters.
• 2-20-18 at 3:06 am Medics responded to Main Street for the report of a person who had a head injury. Patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 02-20-18 at 4:00 p.m. medics responded to Yuut Elitnaurviat School for the report of a person experiencing an allergic reaction. The patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 02-20-18, Medics responded to Yukon Kuskokwim Delta Regional Health Corporation parking lot for an intoxicated person. The patient was assessed and transported to YKDRH-ER.