ANCSA Regional Association (ARA) and Alaska Native Village Corporation Association (ANVCA) issued the following statement, reacting to the Supreme Court of the United States’ decision holding Alaska Native regional and village corporations should be recognized under the Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act’s (ISDA) definition of tribes in Yellen v. Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation:
ANCSA Regional Association and Alaska Native Village Corporation Association applaud the Supreme Court’s decision to ensure the federal government honors its promises to Alaska Natives and the communities we represent. In doing so, the Court affirmed “what the Federal Government has maintained for almost half a century: ANCs are Indian tribes under ISDA.”
Through the creation of Alaska Native regional and village corporations, Congress established a novel approach to federal Indian policy and for nearly 50 years, these unique corporations have served the health, educational, welfare and cultural needs of more than 140,000 Alaska Native shareholders.
We are pleased to see the Court affirm Alaska Native corporations’ eligibility for CARES Act funds to help our people and communities recover from the devastating effects of COVID-19. Alaska’s economy is only now starting to recover, and these funds are needed to help our communities get back on their feet.
ARA and ANVCA would like to extend their deepest thanks to Alaska’s congressional delegation, the State of Alaska, and the Alaska Federation of Natives for their unwavering support of Alaska Native people throughout this litigation.
ARA and ANVCA are committed to building greater understanding about the critical roles ANCs play in the lives of Alaska Native people, and we stand ready to unite with Indian Country to better serve all of our Indigenous communities.
ANCSA Regional Association and Alaska Native Village Corporation Association
Anchorage, AK
Racial profiling
Hello, my name is Paul-Pius Myers. I reside in Marshall, Alaska. I am writing to you in concerns of racial profiling. Alaska natives are being treated very unfairly, especially through the court system within the Yukon delta. The courts continue to violate and take advantage of the Native people, due process, constitutional rights, and the Amendments of the United States of America.
We are the least populated in Alaska and yet we fill the majority of the state correctional facilities. We continue to be overrun by the court system which includes the state troopers, judges, district attorneys, and public defenders. Most are forced to stay imprisoned. Months, even years waiting for a trial. With excessive bail, postponements, continuences and delays stall our due process rights.
They use the incompetence of natives for their own person advantage. Bypassing due process rights we are given deals, plea agreements, and bargains for a sure conviction. Most of us are forced to plea out for our freedom. It’s a painstaking process they use unlawfully. This matter needs to be thoroughly investigated on a case by case basis. The state troopers, judges, district attorneys, public defenders, and inmates should be interviewed accordingly. I hope that this finds your interest to conduct an investigation.
Secondly, we live in a monopoly type situation. Daily living expenses are outrageously high. Gas, oil, groceries, travel, utilities, freight, and etc… Most can hardly afford it making us indigent. It costs more to fly from a village to Bethel or Anchorage than it costs from Anchorage, Alaska to the 49 states of America. Due process, the United States constitutional rights and all amendments should apply to all Americans. We live by, and for the same flag with equal rights.
This system within our region is biased, prejudiced, unconstitutional, and deprives us as United States Citizens. With this day and age should be all lives matter. Can we be treated fairly? With equal rights, liberty and justice for all. We are all human, we suffer and our families suffer but we continue to obey the law and the United States Constitution. As an American I would like to bring this to your attention, this is racial profiling.
We are one of few states that cannot drop or dismiss charges on our own people. People are forced to testify by state law which gives the state sure conviction. This has been going on far too long. I would like my children and my children’s children to be treated with fairness and justice. Thank you for your time and may you keep me updated on this matter.
Paul-Pius Myers
Yukon Kuskokwim Correctional Center
Bethel, AK