People from across the Yukon-Kuskokwin Delta gathered at Bethel’s Cultural Center for day one of the 59th Annual AVCP Annual Convention. The event provides AVCP’s annual programmatic updates, financial reports, and RHA elections.
This year’s convention theme is “Strong Roots and Protect our Future”- “Nutemllaat Qaunqaat Ciunerkarput.” Attendees were welcomed by Louie Andrews, Orutsararmiut Native Council Chief; Edward Adams Sr., Traditional Chief; and Thaddeus Tikiun Jr., AVCP Board Chairman. “Today begins two important days for our organization and the people in the YK-Delta. The convention provides the opportunity to provide extensive and comprehensive programmatic updates and fully share the achievements and accomplishments from this past year,” say AVCP Board Chairman Thaddeus Tikiun, Jr.
AVCP continues to expand and enhance vital programs and services for the people of the region. Day one celebrated the successes of the year-successes which improved lives. Significant discussion centered around subsistence issues and efforts to manage the ongoing salmon crisis.
“The convention is a good opportunity to tell our story but also listen to those in attendance,” says AVCP Chief Executive Officer Vivian Korthuis. Adding, “In the spirit of the convention theme our region’s family tree has strong roots which have allowed us to survive, succeed and overcome even the strongest of winds of hardship. Adversity is nothing new to us, but our strong roots have allowed AVCP to remain standing strong.”
The Convention will also include the announcement of 2023 resolutions, elected AVCP Unit Representatives, recognition of the 2023 AVCP Award recipients and the Bering Sea Elders Group presentation. Additionally, the Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) will provide the following updates, AVCP Region Priorities and Legislative Responses and resolutions and bylaw amendment review and approval.
Because there was no quorum of delegates, no formal votes were taken today. The convention will continue September 21 beginning at 8:30 a.m. and is live streamed on AVCP’s Facebook page.
The 59th Annual Association of Village Council President’s Meeting concluded following a second day of delegates and AVCP leadership discussing critical issues facing the regions.
This year’s convention theme is “Strong Roots and Protect our Future”- “Nutemllaat Qaunqaat Ciunerkarput.”
Unit elections were conducted to appoint AVCP Executive Board Members. Today, Unit 3 re-elected Julia Dorris, Unit 8 re-elected Joseph Asuluk, Unit 10 elected Amanda Mark, and Unit 13 re-elected Raymond Oney.
AVCP Tribal Member Awards were presented today (Sept. 21st, 2023):
Culture Bearer Award:
Debra Jackson
John McIntyre
Elder of the Year
Clara Morgan
Public Service Award
Jim Pete Jr.
Healing Hands Award
Reena Cheemuk
Cheryl George
Parents of the Year
Robert and Eva Panruk
Youth Leadership Award
Kaitlyn Hanson
“These awards are presented to outstanding individuals who give tirelessly for the benefit of their villages and our people,” says AVCP Chief Executive Officer Vivian Korthuis. Adding, “These wonderful people embody the spirit of our communities and live with a passion for serving others and putting others before themselves. Congratulations to each of the award winners.”
The two-day event ended with a series of messages from elected State Representatives and members of the Alaska Congressional Delegation. The 2024 Convention will be held in Bethel August 28 and 29. Highlights from this year’s convention can be found on AVCP’s website ( and AVCP’s Facebook page.