by Bev Hoffman
The 25th annual YK Lifesaver Christmas Cookie Extravaganza will be Sunday, December 16th at 2pm at the YK Fitness Center. Don’t miss this wonderful event! Cookies disappear quickly.
Over the years Bethel bakers have donated thousands of pounds of Christmas cookies to support what is now the YK Fitness Center.
Proceeds from the annual event are deposited into the YK Lifesaver Endowment Fund. The fund is housed under the Bethel Community Services Foundation and has provided over $40,000 in grants since the YK Fitness Center opened in 2014. These grants have supported Half-price Saturdays at the pool, beginning swim lessons and other events and programs. The fund will also support Phase II, a community multi purpose gym once it is built.
Organizers are seeking Bethel Christmas Cookie Bakers for the event. Please help by baking 2, 4 or six dozen of your favorite Christmas Cookie. The cookies will be sold by the pound at the December 16th Sale. Call Beverly Hoffman at 543-3239 to sign up!! Quyana for supporting good things happening in Bethel! For more information on the YK Lifesaver Endowment Fund go to
Y/K Delta Lifesavers Mission Statement
To raise funds for the operation & maintenance costs of a community multipurpose gym and swimming pool facility, to seek funds for the construction of such a facility, to sponsor healthy activities for families with a strong emphasis on youth, to create awareness for positive parenting & the need for positive mentors/role models for area youth, to establish a volunteer force to enhance and assist youth and family programs already in place.