by BCSF Staff
The Kuskokwim Ice Classic committee is pleased to announce that 2022 Ice Classic tickets are now on sale! Guesses may be submitted online at (or following links we post from the Kuskokwim Ice Classic Facebook page). We also have live phone sales at 907.545.8483 from 9 a.m. to 9 pm. No paper tickets will be sold in 2022.
Online Sales: (or follow links posted regularly on the Kuskokwim Ice Classic Facebook page/other social media).
Phone Sales: Phone sales are open! Call 907-545-8483 to purchase your Ice Classic Tickets over the phone. We staff the phone between 9 am and 9 pm. The phone gets busy- don’t wait too long to call!
Ticket Sales Groups: The groups benefitting from Ice Classic ticket sales this year are:
•Bethel Friends of Canines
•YK Delta Lifesavers
•Teens Acting Against Violence
•BRHS Student Council
•We are also creating a YK Delta Youth Fund with a portion of the proceeds from this year’s Ice Classic; customers who purchase online will have this option.
Deadline: The Ice Classic does not have a deadline in 2022; guesses will be accepted until breakup- BUT guesses must be submitted no later than the day before breakup occurs in order to be eligible to win. In other words- no same-day guesses are allowed. Any guesses for the same day that they are submitted will be deemed ineligible and refunds will not be issued. Please keep this in mind when you are forming your guesses and do not wait until the last minute!
Ticket Prices: Tickets are $5 for one, or $20 for a book of five guesses.
Jackpot: The 2022 winner will earn 50% of the jackpot raised. Should more than one person win, the jackpot will be split accordingly. Visit for all the 2022 rules.
Tripod: This year’s tripod is inspired by nature- water, trees and birds! The tripod was designed and constructed by Eric Whitney. Go check it out sometime, tag @kuskokwimiceclassic in your photos on social media, and remember to keep an eye on the river conditions!
Information: You can find the Ice Classic (along with rules and the breakup calendar, etc.) on the web at, or follow updates on the Kuskokwim Ice Classic Facebook page, @kuskokwimiceclassic on Instagram or @kuskoiceclassic on Twitter.
Minute Madness: We know customers love Minute Madness! We do expect Minute Madness to be back in 2022 and will have announcements about that made a day or two in advance of the event. You can guess as a pool in Minute Madness and you buy and own a minute of breakup ($250/minute) with a 2/3 jackpot ($10,000 if all minutes sell out), so start thinking now about your pools!
We look forward to another exciting Kusko Ice Classic season and thank all of our customers for participating. Through your Ice Classic purchases you are supporting the four groups in the YK Delta that are listed, plus helping to develop a fund that will support youth programs and projects through the year. Have a safe breakup season!