Mark Springer Jess Shroeder Jared Karr Eric Whitney Conrad “CJ” McCormick Beth Hessler
The City of Bethel will hold a Regular Election Tuesday, October 5th, 2021 for the purpose of electing candidates to the City Council. This year we have 6 candidates vying for 4 open seats on the Bethel City Council. The seats currently held by Vice-Mayor Haley Hanson and council members Alyssa Leary, Mark Springer, and Conrad “CJ” McCormick are up in 2021. Candidates this year include incumbents Mark Springer and Conrad “CJ” McCormick, and new candidates Beth Hessler, Jared Karr, Jess Shroeder, and Eric Whitney (who has served on council in the past). Quyana for your responses.
Name: Beth Hessler
Years in Bethel: 9 1/2
Please describe your previous work in the community and how these experiences qualify you for a position on the Council:
I have worked in YKHC Hospital Maintenance for the last 9 years, served on 3 city commissions and committees, enjoyed using the parks and bus transit system, use of the small boat harbor and the various parks and I have a city and state business license for educational services. Coming to Bethel from the village of Marshall instead of Anchorage has given me a greater understanding of the culture here. I think my friends can tell I want to be thoughtful but I follow through on things, and I will follow through on things that will make the difference for Bethel.
Briefly describe the driving decision or reason(s) why you want to serve as a council member:
My driving reason to be on the city council is because I am hoping to help make Bethel more efficient.
Bethel has many issues and needs. Please describe the top three issues or priorities for the City of Bethel that on your mind:
Top issues that are on my mind for Bethel among many others, are:
1. Support the needs and ideas of our department and enterprise managers.
2. Follow through with addressing findings from audits and inspections now and in the future.
3. Help our community members feel like they are important to the city of Bethel.
What is the best thing about Bethel in your opinion?
The best thing about Bethel is the generosity and good will of the local people if you treat them well. It’s amazing.
Do you have any hobbies or interests that you can share with us?
I especially love working with children. Whether it’s kids, foster kids, grandkids, neighbor kids, school kids or church kids, I love them all. Other than that, “variety” is the word. I like to pick berries, go boating, fishing, hiking, knitting, crocheting, spinning yarn, playing piano, gardening, sewing, giving piano lessons and church activities.
Quyana Beth!
Name: Jared Karr
Years in Bethel: 2002-2006; 2015-present
Please describe your previous work in the community and how these experiences qualify you for a position on the Council:
I moved to Bethel as a police officer in 2002 until 2006. After receiving my law degree I returned full-time in 2015 as an Assistant District Attorney in 2015. In 2017 I went to work as a civil and defense attorney for the Valcarce Law Office. In 2019, I opened Kusko Kush, a marijuana retail business. In 2021, I opened Kusko Coffee & Cream, a coffee and ice cream business inside of the AC Store.
Briefly describe the driving decision or reason(s) why you want to serve as a council member:
I believe that the City Council does not speak for the people of Bethel and has not for several years. It has instead focused on interpersonal squabbles between council members, attempted to raise taxes on citizens during a pandemic, and focuses on national political issues instead of servicing those who elected them.
Bethel has many issues and needs. Please describe the top three issues or priorities for the City of Bethel that in your mind:
1. Money management. Bethel has a limited number of ways that it receives funds/taxes. Instead of providing basic services, the City has focused on projects that deplete the City coffers instead of servicing the bulk of residents.
2. Leadership. The City has struggled for the past 20 years that I have been associated with Bethel in regards to not only hiring qualified employees but retaining them once they get hired. This causes many City Departments to be transient in nature which limits institutional knowledge and lowers the quality of services provided. Tax dollars are squandered due to the constant hiring and new employees. Different strategies need to be employed for employment and retention.
3. Business Interaction. At times, the City has been hostile towards businesses – the only mechanism for the City to gain funds within its borders. Education and outreach to business will increase the amount of funds available to the City, thus providing better service to citizens. Isn’t that the ultimate goal?
What is the best thing about Bethel in your opinion?
The people, hands down. Most people here are warm and friendly and help out in any way that they can.
Do you have any hobbies or interests that you can share with us?
I am an amateur knife maker, leather worker, wood turner, and an avid reader.
Quyana Jared!
Name: Conrad “C.J.” McCormick
Years in Bethel: 24 (which is 100% of my life)
Please describe your previous work in the community and how these experiences qualify you for a position on the Council:
As an incumbent candidate, I was appointed to council in November of 2020 in the position left by Cece Franko, and with that became the council member rep. for the finance committee. Having that full year of service, I have a better understanding of what it takes to hold the position than I did when I ran in 2020. I attended every council meeting, every finance committee meeting, as well as some of the other commission and committee meetings. I absorbed all I could in my past year of service, and now have experience and confidence in my ability to serve on council.
I currently work in communications at YKHC and with that I am a member of YKHC’s COVID-19 response team. I have volunteered to support Bethel Friends of Canines and worked with Bethel Council on the Arts. I’ve also worked a number of low-wage jobs (sometimes more than one at once) in Bethel, which might not seem like much, but I know what it’s like to try to make a living out here without much pay, and that was only a few years ago.
Briefly describe the driving decision or reason(s) why you want to serve as a council member:
Representation is the key for me. I strive to be a council member who represents people who choose to make Bethel their home, and moreover young people who see a future here. Bethel has a lot of young people who call this place their home, and I want to represent that on Bethel’s council.
I think life in Bethel is tough in many ways that we maybe don’t always give ourselves credit for. On council, I strive to alleviate those ailments as much as I can to make this a better place for us all to live.
I’m also motivated by the idea that what we do in our lifetime informs the generation that follows. I hope I can get other young people born and raised in Bethel to run for office here.
Bethel has many issues and needs. Please describe the top three issues or priorities for the City of Bethel that on your mind:
Combating our communities high rates of sexual violence and abuse has been and will continue to be one of my main goals. The city is currently awaiting results from a review of how we handle issues of that here in Bethel. I plan to use the results and suggestions of that review to better our response to those crimes in Bethel.
I would like to see the city of Bethel form a stronger relationship with the tribes in our area, not only ONC, but also in the surrounding villages. I think fostering a collaborative relationship between the city and tribes will go a long way to creating a better environment for Bethel, and also the region at large. We were (the council) meant to have a meeting recently with ONC, but it never came to fruition due to COVID constraints. I’d like to have more than one meeting a year with tribes.
Lastly, this issue was made very apparent during the debate on sugary sweetened beverages. I want to fund infrastructure to ensure that every house in Bethel has access to clean drinking water. Clean drinking water is essential to any healthy community, and I think with investment into Bethel’s water infrastructure, we can make that happen.
What is the best thing about Bethel in your opinion?
The lifestyle we get to live out here really offers so much. For one, there are plenty of chances to live a subsistence lifestyle or to just go out and be in the peace of the wilderness. There also are a lot of opportunities out here, be it for work, or just being a part of a community organization. If there is something you want to start in Bethel, there is always someone here just waiting for you to do it.
That kind of freedom is something I really missed when I went away for school in Hawai’i and why I immediately came back to live in Bethel.
Do you have any hobbies or interests that you can share with us?
I enjoy writing and making media like films and podcasts. I hardly have the time, but I like writing to document life, the people and environment out here in Bethel, or writing stories based about life out here. I like going out on the boat when I have the chance, or driving on the ice road in the winter to make up for the road trips us Bethel Kids never got to have. I’m fascinated by the children’s home, so I visit that place a lot when I can to take pictures/video as it’s unfortunately falling apart more and more over the years.
I really enjoy cooking, so much so that I co-started a food truck business. I genuinely enjoy participating in and learning about politics. I enjoy civil discourse, even when I don’t agree with someone, I think we all stand to gain from having those conversations so long as we stay respectful and tactful. I’ve also always been interested in history of all kinds, but especially the history of our region. I’m very thankful for KYUK’s film archives because of that!
Quyana CJ!
Name: Jess Schroeder
Years in Bethel: 4.5 yrs
Please describe your previous work in the community and how these experiences qualify you for a position on the Council:
I am a nurse that serves the Bethel community. I think this gives me a very deep connection to the Delta. I share with people times of great joy, great fear, great sorrow. I hold the hands of the hurting and the sick but also the hands of the story tellers and the hopeful. I see people at their worst and best. It is part of the reason I love what I do.
I think working one on one with so many people of the YK Delta will allow me to lend an experienced voice to some of the issues our community faces.
Briefly describe the driving decision or reason(s) why you want to serve as a council member:
I would like to be an instrument of change. I believe we can streamline some processes to make our city more efficient and allow to more productive use of councils time.
I was inspired to run based on a quote from a book that is in another book about a lady that ran for city council in a small Alaskan town. The book is called “Of bears and ballots”.
The quote is as follows:
The mandate to exercise our civil obligations means that we can’t be bystanders who scoff at the process of politics while taking no responsibility. We all need to be involved…It is an unpatriotic lie that we as a nation are based in individualism. The Constitution underscores the fact that we are rooted and raised in a communal society and that we each have a responsibility to build up the whole. The Preamble to the Constitution could not be any clearer: “We the People” are called to “form a more perfect Union.”
Simone Campbell with David Gibson, A Nun on the Bus
Bethel has many issues and needs. Please describe the top three issues or priorities for the City of Bethel that on your mind:
Update our zoning map – Current map from 1990
Decrease duplication on committees and commissions and encourage community participation so a variety of voices are heard. Implement enforceable terms and waiting lists
Get more discussion going and look at other cities in housing crises and model after successful zoning changes and apply to current Bethel needs.
What is the best thing about Bethel in your opinion?
I have to be cliché and say The People!!!!
Do you have any hobbies or interests that you can share with us?
I am involved in a weekly cohort that gets together to share our love of food and cooking methods. Everyone comes from varying backgrounds so it has been a wonderful experience to share ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
We are all connected with the two things that we all have in common. Our love of Bethel and of the game “Pigs”!
I also enjoy being a co-administrator of the Cooking shenanigans’ Facebook page, I love kitchen gadgets! Which explains why, I am a Pampered Chef lady:)
Quyana Jess!
Name: Mark Springer
Years in Bethel: 20
Please describe your previous work in the community and how these experiences qualify you for a position on the Council:
I have been working for the people of Bethel, and the YK Delta Region for many years. I worked at YKHC for 20 years writing grants that built Sub-Regional Clinics, got the first CT machine for the hospital and developed the telemedicine system.
Most recently I was ONC’s Native American Lands Environmental Mitigation Program Coordinator cleaning up the old Army Airfield across the river and on BNC land at BIA. I was subsequently hired as ONC’s Executive Director, a position I served in for about a year and a half, starting just as Covid-19 hit Bethel and the Delta. ONC and it’s staff weathered that storm and made every effort to keep it’s members strong and safe through the use of CARES funds.
I am currently a consultant to Akiak Technology as they develop plans to bring real broadband internet to about 17 villages.
My volunteer service in Bethel are includes a number of terms on the City Council and committees. I currently serve on the Board of Directors of the Alaska municipal League.
I also served two terms, With Legislative confirmation on the Alaska Marijuana Control Board, as the Rural Member. I was elected Chair and held that position for about 2 years.
Briefly describe the driving decision or reason(s) why you want to serve as a council member:
I enjoy public service and have found it to be something I’m good at. I would like to be reelected to Council in hopes of bringing my experience and insights to bear on issues facing our community.
Bethel has many issues and needs. Please describe the top three issues or priorities for the City of Bethel that on your mind:
Since I live in Kasayuli Subdivision, good road maintenance is at the top of my list.
Second is maintaining and expanding our City workforce.
Third is for the City to work closer with ONC in areas where we can cooperate in making Mumterilleq a better, safer and more liveable community for us all.
What is the best thing about Bethel in your opinion?
The isolated small atmosphere.
Do you have any hobbies or interests that you can share with us?
I enjoy Amateur Radio and using Twitter. Plus my wife Juliana and I have 4 grandchildren here in Bethel.
Quyana Mark!
Name: Eric Whitney
Years in Bethel: 22
Please describe your previous work in the community and how these experiences qualify you for a position on the Council:
Hello I’m Eric Whitney, I’ve been living in Bethel for 22 years. I started working here in construction and later moved on to doing my energy ratings and home inspections. I have been a volunteer for the K300 for approximately 20 years in various capacities, most recently I’ve been working on the fireworks. I have been involved in the Ice Classic fundraiser with the Bethel Community Services Foundation for several years. I have built and installed the tripod several times. On occasion I have recovered them as well. I’d like to make Bethel a better place to live in whatever capacity I can and I felt it was time to spend some time working for our community. I would appreciate your vote.
Briefly describe the driving decision or reason(s) why you want to serve as a council member:
I thought I could spend some time working for our community and people asked me too.
Bethel has many issues and needs. Please describe the top three issues or priorities for the City of Bethel that are on your mind:
1 Keeping on top of preventing the spread of COVID-19.
2 Continuing upkeep and maintenance required for delivery of sewer and water services. Part of that would be a maintenance checklist for piped services customers as well as trucked.
3 Encourage the development of sustainable housing for Bethel.
What is the best thing about Bethel in your opinion?
Diversity of people here, access to the river and tundra.
Do you have any hobbies or interests that you can share with us?
Activities I like to do include boating, snowmobiling, skiing, biking, camping, and snowkiting.
Quyana Eric!
Thank you everyone. Please vote on October 5th for our next city council members.