Newly elected Bethel City Council members Teresa Keller and Mikayla Miller and incumbents Mark Springer and Mary “Beth” Hessler were sworn into office during the October 10th, 2023 regular city council meeting. Bethel Mayor Rose Hendersen gave the oath of office to the newly elected and re-elected council members.
The Canvass Board certified the October 3, 2023 election results on October 5th, 2023.
The voting was as follows:
Hessler, Mary “Beth” 154
Springer, Mark 261
Watson, Nick 130
Batchelor, Henry R. 72
Lloyd, John 98
Keller, Teresa 284
Miller, Mikayla 233
Suiter, Danny 67
Write-ins: 22
The percent of voter turnout was 9.56%. Bethel has 4,026 registered voters. 385 ballots were properly cast and 37 were early and absentee voters. Outgoing council members are Eric Whitney and former Vice-mayor Henry Batchelor Jr.