Shareholders Vote for Continuity and Reelect Incumbents.
In the Calista (cha-LIS-tah) Corporation 2023 Annual Meeting held on Friday, June 2, Shareholders reelected directors Margaret Pohjola, Earl D. Samuelson Sr., Nick P. Andrew Jr., and Willie Kasayulie. More than 12,000 Shareholders voted this year.
Nineteen communities in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Region reached a 60 percent or higher voting rate. More than 8 in 10 Shareholders voted online this year, including more than 5 in 10 voting Elders. Additionally, more than 2,600 Shareholders opted to receive materials electronically. This reduced the amount of paper by an estimated 1,600 pounds.
After receiving and validating all votes, the Inspector of Elections, Sramek-Hightower, a certified public accounting firm in Anchorage, certified the 2023 voting results. The Inspector also conducted the random drawings of winners for each round of proxy prizes. Twenty-four Shareholders won $52,000 in proxy prizes.
This year’s meeting was held in person in Platinum, following approval by the local Tribe. Decades ago, the Calista Board set a goal to hold the Annual Meeting in each Calista Region village. Including Platinum, a total of 35 communities have hosted the Calista Annual Meeting.
“On behalf of Calista, I thank every Shareholder who voted and helped others to vote,” said Thom Aparuk Leonard, Calista Corp. vice president of Corporate Affairs. “The Directors are elected solely through the vote of the Shareholders.”
Annual Meeting information is posted at www.CalistaCorp.com/AnnualMeeting.