The Bristol Bay Partnership recognizes that drug importation and abuse is rampant in our region. Therefore, the Partnership is creating a Bristol Bay Drug and Opioid Task Force to address the increasing presence of illicit drugs and drug use in our communities.
The Bristol Bay Partnership is comprised of Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation, Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation, Bristol Bay Housing Authority, Bristol Bay Native Association, and Bristol Bay Native Corporation.
The purpose of the task force is to identify strategies and solutions to address this ongoing issue. Education is going to be crucial to fighting this epidemic and to help prevent future addiction.
The Partnership will be working with health professionals, law enforcement, and local community members and organizations to identify task force members over the coming months. A subsequent announcement will be made upon the task forces membership and plan.
The Bristol Bay Partnership is united on the shared values, opinions, and concerns of Bristol Bay residents. Across a vast, diverse area with many cultural, economic, and social differences, the Partnership works to further common goals.