Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) is accepting nominations for two seats that will become open on its board of directors. Board members serve three-year terms and must meet eligibility requirements. The election will be held prior to AVEC’s annual meeting in April. AVEC members will vote for the board members via a mail-in ballot.
To nominate yourself or someone else you feel is qualified, contact one of the following Nominating Committee members: Bryan Rookok of Savoonga, Clarence Dull of Toksook Bay, Joyce Elvehjem of Old Harbor, Paul Joe of Nightmute, James Karasti of Ekwok, Marlene Madros of Shageluk and Tommy Obruk of Shishmaref.
The nomination form each candidate must fill out is available on AVEC’s Website:
The form can be mailed in, faxed, or sent by e-mail to [email protected]. If you have questions, contact a committee member or Amy Murphy with AVEC, at 1-800-478-1818, ext. 5343. The deadline to receive the self-nomination forms is November 25, 2019.