Maurice Andrews raced his Glare Ice Kennel team to victory at the 2-day Kwethluk Sled Dog Race this past weekend. Andrews had a total elapsed time of 3:07:32. The trail was 20 miles each day.
Coming in second was Greg Larson of Napaskiak with his Larson Kennel team. His time was 3:08:29. There was a total of 11 teams in the event.
The races were held during Kwethluk’s winter festival along with fiddling and kids 1-dog and 3-dog races. Race organizer Harry Alexie said that the trail was soft with snow and the temperature was around 5 degrees above.
On Day 1, there was a close finish between Andrews and Larson. Only 48 seconds separated the two teams. Andrews came in first.
The other close finish was between Kurtis George of Akiachak and Herman Phillip of Kwethluk. Their times were 1:45:37 and 1:45:08. 29 seconds separated the two teams.
The closest finish was between Gilbert Phillip of Akiak who had a time of 1:42:33 and Joe Demantle Jr. or Tuluksak who posted 1:42:51. They were only 18 seconds apart.
Day 2 had more close finishes.
Andrews and Larson raced to the finish line in first and second positions with only 9 seconds in between them. Demantle and Gilbert Phillip finished with times of 1:42:23 for Joe and 1:42:39 for Gilbert, 16 seconds apart.
Herman Phillip and Nicolai Napoka also had a close finish. Phillip finished with a time of 1:50:06 and Napoka was at 1:50:36.
Carl Andrew took home the Red Lantern Award.
Kwethluk Sled Dog Race Results
February 15-16, 2020
Place/Musher 1st Day 2nd Day Total Elapsed Time
1 Maurice Andrews 1:36:02 1:31:30 3:07:32
2 Greg Larson 1:36:50 1:31:39 3:08:29
3 Cukayak Olick 1:39:47 1:38:12 3:17:59
4 Gilbert Phillip 1:42:33 1:42:39 3:25:12
5 Joe Demantle Jr. 1:42:51 1:42:23 3:25:14
6 Kurtis George 1:45:37 1:48:19 3:33:56
7 Herman Phillip 1:45:08 1:50:06 3:35:14
8 Cameron Jackson 1:50:59 1:47:18 3:38:17
9 Nicolai Napoka 1:51:32 1:50:36 3:42:08
10 Mike Williams Jr. 1:54:43 1:52:34 3:47:17
11 Carl Andrew 2:00:42 2:03:37 4:04:19