Kieran “Taneksak” Bentley of Napaskiak, Alaska was recently named as a Candidate for the 2021 U.S. Presidential Scholars Program which was established in 1964. He is one of approximately 4,500 candidates selected from nearly 3.6 million students nationwide graduating from US high schools in 2021. Annually, up to 161 Scholars representing excellence in education are chosen from among the year’s senior class.
Inclusion in the Program is one of the highest honors bestowed upon graduating HS Seniors. Scholars are selected on the basis of superior academic and artistic achievements, leadership qualities, strong character, and involvement in community and school activities.
Seniors are expected to submit a written essay and supporting information which will be reviewed by a distinguished panel of educators with 600 semi-finalists being selected in April. The semi-finalists will then be presented to a Commission on Presidential Scholars who will select the finalists to be awarded the Presidential Scholars Medallion at a recognition ceremony in Washington, DC in June.
Kieran is a graduating Senior at ZJ Williams Memorial School in the Lower Kuskokwim School District and is the son of Kimberly and Talbert (TJ) Bentley.