The UAF Kuskokwim Campus in support of the City Council resolution issued last evening to “hunker down” will do the following effective today (October 28th, 2020):
1. All face-to-face classes will be delivered by a distance method through the end of the semester.
2. The dorm will stay open. Students may stay in the dorm for computer and technology support on campus. They may also use the Study Den and Computer Lab for their courses – wiping down before and after use (just as we have been doing).
3. We will work with each dorm student to determine if and when they may choose to go home – with a negative test before they leave.
4. Starting today we will lock all doors and go back to an appointment system. The front door will be used – visitors and students will be screened. Signs to call for opening the door will be posted on every door, including at the dorm.
Everyone entering the campus will wear a mask, screening questions and temperature taken, wash hands, and wipe touched surfaces.
5. All faculty and staff are recommended to work from home.
6. All staff/faculty are encouraged to get a free COVID-19 test at YKHC at least once a month; some staff are choosing to test every 2 weeks. Please monitor any “cold-flu” symptoms and call YKHC 543-6949 to get tested by appointment.
7. Everyone will continue to wear a mask, keep distancing, wash hands regularly, wipe down touch areas, and keep their circle small (limited to household members).
KuC will reassess the community situation in two weeks based on YKHC data and recommendations. Thank you all – we will come through this pandemic – together.
-Linda Curda, KuC Acting Director
Associate Professor, UAF CHAP Academic Liaison