Chris Kolerok to serve the remainder of term.
The Calista Corporation Board of Directors has appointed Chris Kolerok as the Unit 6 Interim Director.
Kolerok is a Calista Shareholder with ties to Mekoryuk. He graduated from the University of Alaska Anchorage with a bachelor’s degree in economics and received a master’s degree in public policy from Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. He currently works for the Cook Inlet Housing Authority in Anchorage.
The Unit 6 director position became vacant with the resignation of Jolene John last year, after which the Board opened an application period for qualified Calista Shareholders to apply for the position.
The Board appointed Kolerok after reviewing applications submitted by eligible Shareholders with ties to the Unit 6 villages of Chefornak, Mekoryuk, Newtok (Mertarvik), Nightmute, Toksook Bay, Tununak and Umkumiute. The deadline to apply was January 5.
Pursuant to the Calista Bylaws, “any vacancy on the Board of Directors may be filled by the affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining Directors.” The Board selected Kolerok after reviewing applications at its February 2024 meeting.
Kolerok will serve the remainder of the Unit 6 term, which will be up for election at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.