The City of Bethel Police Department received 1,029 calls for service in the month of December 2023. This is below the number of calls made during the previous month of November (1100 calls), says a report from the Bethel PD, and is approximately 129 calls fewer than the same period in 2022.
The calls for intoxicated pedestrians was 181, slightly down from November 2023’s 189 calls. In Dec. 2022, there were only 84 intoxicated pedestrian calls for service.
Domestic violence reports numbered 19, down from November’s 27 reports. In 2022, DV calls for December 2023 were at 18.
There were 5 reports of driving under the influence for December 2023, and 7 for November. In December 2022 there were 11 DUI reports.
There were two death investigation reports in December and three in November for 2023. There was one death investigation report for December 2022.
Sexual assault reports numbered at six for December 2023 and nine for the previous month of November. There were seven reports of SA December 2022.
There have been 19 animal control calls with no reported dog bites for both December and November 2023.
According to the December 2023 report, Bethel PD has one vacant dispatch, Safety Patrol, and evidence and record custodian position. All CSO positions are fully staffed.
Former Bethel Police Chief Leonard Hicks’ last day with the department was December 31, 2023.
This information is courtesy of the monthly report submitted to the Bethel City Council, January 2024.