• The department conducted multiple plan reviews for new commercial structures. These plans were reviewed for compliance with requirements stated in the 2021 International Fire Code (IFC), Chapter 5 – Fire Service Features.
• The department will be completing hydrant flow testing soon, due to low staffing and high incident call volume. Areas which will be affected include City Subdivision, FAA Housing, and the Industrial Corridor.
• The department has attended several project meetings which have been to coordinate the shipping, arrival, construction, and upcoming instructor training for the new Draeger Swede Survival Phase II Fire Training Facility. The materials have been shipped to Alaska Marine Lines in Seattle, WA, and will arrive in Bethel sometime between October 10-18.
• The department attended a Bethel Emergency Preparedness Meeting at the YKHC Elder’s Home Meeting Room. Participants discussed planning of an upcoming tabletop exercise in October, and full-scale exercise in May 2024.
• The department started utilizing PSTrax, a fire department vehicle, facility, and asset management program. This program streamlined daily duties, vehicle and equipment maintenance checks, and allows for better communication between all department members.
• As the weather has been warmer, please take this opportunity to clean your chimneys. Bethel residents may come by the fire station and borrow a chimney brush and rods free of charge, but must return them within three days.
• New staff and volunteers are receiving continuous Driver/Operator training on the handling characteristics, operation of specialty equipment, care and maintenance, and emergency operational procedures of the department’s ambulances and fire apparatus.
• Staff have completed several online, classroom, and skill drill training sessions covering various topics including firefighting, emergency medical treatment, fire inspection, fire investigation, and fire prevention.
• Staff have conducted several drills on firefighting and EMS knowledge and skills during each shift.