by Bev Hoffman
For 30 years Bethel Christmas Cookie Bakers have been donating holiday delights to support programs at the YK Fitness Center Pool.
The 30th annual YK Delta Lifesaver Christmas Cookie Extravaganza is happening on December 17 at 2pm at the YK Fitness Center. Cookies go quickly and are sold by the pound. Containers are provided but folks are welcome to bring their own.
The Lifesavers are calling all Christmas Cookie bakers to help out with this fundraiser. Bakers can call Beverly Hoffman at 907 545-4499 or Kathy Baldwin at 545-1405.
All proceeds go into the YK Delta Lifesaver Endowment Fund housed with the Bethel Community Service Foundation. If you would like to support the lifesavers by making your donation to support swim programs go to, link to funds and find the YK Delta Lifesaver. The Lifesavers are grateful to all who support the pool!