by Beverly Hoffman
The 25th annual 2018 Christmas Cookie Extravaganza was one of the most successful ever. 52 Bethel Bakers donated over 250 pounds of cookies for the event. A lively group of enthusiastic buyers bought all the cookies in less than 30 minutes. Including donations from several folks and the Bethel Warrior Swim team, the event raised $3,294 for the YK Lifesaver Endowment Fund!!
Because of fundraisers like the Annual Christmas Cookie sale and individual donations supporting the Lifesaver Endowment Fund, $47,409.93 in grants have been made to the YK Fitness Center since 2014. In the last six months grants have supported $579 in fees for over 200 individuals, $1,143 for more than 645 youth and covered swim lessons for 11 youth.
Quyana Bakers: Lisa Meyers, Kathy Hanson, Dolly Faulkner, Pat and Carla Snow, Anne Kosacheff, Justin Wintersteen, Alyssa Perry, Judy Wasierski, Barrie Levine, Ryan and Teal Stanley, Chris Desnoyers, Jennifer Mazzaro, Beverly Hoffman, Kathy Baldwin, Reyne Athanas, Alex Judy, Tiffany Tony, Amy Spatz, Latisha Guinn, Savannah Claypool, Dolly Angstman, Sue Angstman, Jane Imholte, Michelle DeWitt & friends, Dan and Joseph Twito, Janet Kaiser, Jonica Thomas, Sally Baughman, Kate Pina, Lori Strickler, Kathyrn Reynolds, Elizabeth Betz, Billie Chavez, Kathleen Pelkan, Leshel Campbell, Brittney Boney, Becky Trimble, Nora Nelson, Constance Albert, Lillie Reder, Rachel DeHaan, Shannon Wilson, Elizabeth Roll, Vicki Malone, Shari Neth, Joseph Swope, Fannie Black and those unknowns who dropped cookies off!
Many thanks to the cookie elves Johanna Eurich, Maddy Reichard, Kathy Baldwin, Reyne Athanas, Anne Kosacheff, Latisha Guinn, Cindy Andrecheck, Justin Wintersteen, Sue Angstman and the young boys who helped set up and clean up! AND finally Quyana to all the buyers!
The YK Lifesavers want to recognize, Bethel Community Services Foundation for their continued support and donations, Angstman Law Office who sponsor a free swim for youth the last Saturday of every month and Drew’s Foundation who sponsor a free teen night every Wednesday night.
To find out how you can help the Lifesaver Endowment grow go to Bethel Community Services Foundation at