Youth Litter Patrol Thanks

Scammon Bay had a successful 2020 Youth Litter Patrol. 4th grade through high school participated in our Youth Litter Patrol. The kids picked up 337 bags of trash from around the village. Thank you to Mailbox Groceries, Calista, Donlin, AVEC, ALPAR, Askinuk Store and City of Scammon for your donations. To the 43 kids that participated, thank you so much!

Michelle Kaganak, Environmental Coordinator

Scammon Bay IGAP

All 56 Tribes should participate in Regional Tribal Government meetings

For those of us (Calista Shareholders) that receive and read the Story Knife of the Calista Newsletter, it is always a good news that our regional Corporation, Calista, has continued to post net profits in its operations on an annual basis and declaring dividends even the amount of check isn’t that big compared to other regional native corporations that are rich in natural resources. A big THANK YOU to the current leadership of the Calista Board of Directors and under management of President and CEO Andrew Guy. A big THANK YOU also goes to the former directors when Calista Corporation was headed by Mathew Nicolai, former President and CEO who is credited for turning the company around to a profitable status when it was on the verge of bankruptcy back in the early 1990’s.

In the March and April 2020 Calista Newsletter, Mr. Andrew Guy did send a strong message to the leaders of the traditional and IRA councils of the 56 tribes of AVCP asking them to join in their efforts to create a regional tribal government for our region. I wonder how many tribal leaders in the 56 tribes read it and made plans to attend a future Y-K Tribal meeting sponsored by Calista? They’ve been at it since 2013. From my recollection only a handful of tribes and village corporations expressed a desire to support a regional tribal government. Where are the rest of the 45+ villages/tribes?

In the Calista Newsletter, Mr. Guy cited: “The Yukon Kuskokwim faces many challenges. We face high rates of suicide and violence, high energy and fuel costs, inadequate funding for our schools and public facilities, lack of infrastructure and public safety.”

How true it is with the many challenges our communities are facing in the Y-K region. In my own community in Scammon Bay, a CDBG grant for a multi-purpose facility design was not approved when the Governor vetoed many rural project proposals in the State’s Capital appropriations budget. This is just one example of the hundreds of project funding requests that get vetoed by the Governor or the Legislature when it comes to Capital Projects funding requests.

Mr. Guy also cites the best possible benefits if the whole tribes of 56 villages formed as a regional tribal government: * “Maintain the individual tribal sovereignty while leveraging the power and political influence of what could be the largest alliance of Tribes in the nation, *

Invest in YK villages and future generations by creating a tribally owned sovereign wealth funds for regional distribution, * and Have a powerful political voice and leverage that voice into government appropriations for infrastructure, energy, public safety, and more” just to name a few of the advantages and benefits that Mr. Guy substantiates in his message to all our tribal leaders.

I am not speaking for my tribe but I am hoping all the tribal leaders in each of the 56 tribes will act on authorizing resolutions and participate at a future Y-K tribal meeting because our young generation of next leaders will be using our own regional government to address the continuous challenges and improve the standard of living in our communities. 

Quyana cakneq for allowing me to be heard in the real newspaper for the real people of Y-K delta.

Homer Hunter, Jr.

Scammon Bay, AK

Statement from the Alaska Supreme Court

As we watch events unfolding in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd, we are saddened to see again that the ideals on which our society is founded are far from the reality of many people’s lives. We recognize that as a court system we must commit ourselves to making these ideals real by once again dedicating our efforts to ensuring that we provide an accessible and impartial forum for the just resolution of all cases.

We recognize that too often African-Americans, Alaska Natives, and other people of color are not treated with the same dignity and respect as white members of our communities. And we recognize that as community members, lawyers, and especially as judicial officers, we must do more to change this reality.

Our country and our state are built upon the principle that all of us are created equal. And our courts are tasked with putting that principle into action by allowing people to seek redress for their grievances with the assurance that they will be heard and treated fairly. When so many members of our community are not heard or are not treated fairly , we must make changes.

As judges we must examine what those changes must be, what biases – both conscious and unconscious – we bring, and how we can improve our justice system so that all who enter may be assured they will receive equal treatment. We must continue our efforts to make our court system and its judges reflect the community that we serve. We look forward to continued progress from the work of our Fairness and Access Commission; our regular meetings with rural communities; and the many outreach programs, such as The Color of Justice, to which the court system and individual judges dedicate time and resources.

As lawyers we must work to improve access to legal assistance for individuals and communities, breaking down barriers that keep so many people in need from having meaningful access to our courts. And we must examine why people of color continue to be incarcerated and punished at rates that far exceed those of white offenders. We must also work to attract more people of color to the practice of law and, ultimately, to judicial careers.

As community members we must work with our neighbors to help heal the raw wounds of racism and history that have been so painfully laid bare. It is only by working together that we can hope to move beyond the pain that is so evident today.

We commit ourselves and the court system to seek always to ensure equal justice under the law. As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. so eloquently stated long ago, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Chief Justice Joel H. Bolger, Justice Daniel E. Winfree, Justice Peter J. Maassen, Justice Susan M. Carney

Alaska Supreme Court

Alaska Senate Democrats Reconvening the Legislature to fix CARES Act Funding

In the race to get federal COVID help out to Alaskans last month, the state made a critical mistake the Legislature needs to fix. Fast. Many Alaskan-owned small businesses are at the end of their ropes, and federal dollars are trickling out to a few instead of flowing to meet the needs.

When Governor Dunleavy submitted his plans to parcel out federal COVID help, he used a tool that can only get an up-or-down vote from the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee. It’s a wonky process that lets a governor put out additional, unexpected funding using existing programs.

The Legislature’s nonpartisan attorneys warned that constitutionally, parts of Governor Dunleavy’s plan needed the full Legislature to act—not just a committee. Still, to get help to Alaskans as soon as possible, the committee approved the governor’s plan.

Predictably and immediately, an Alaskan filed a citizen lawsuit claiming the process was unconstitutional. That got the Legislature to the Capitol to approve the funding, again using a method that gave us an up-or-down vote with no chance for changes. Senate Democrats were very vocal about both the constitutional problems and the holes in the governor’s plans. But we decided not to stand in the way of getting these funds to Alaska communities and businesses.

But haste made waste. Governor Dunleavy’s original plan to give much-needed grants to Alaska businesses cut out any business that got help directly from the federal government. A Payroll Protection loan to keep your employees working or an Economic Injury Disaster loan to keep the lease paid meant no shot at $290 million in grants through the state.

When the Legislature took our up-or-down vote, the Dunleavy Administration led Alaskans to think they had a workaround. They put it on the Department of Commerce website. But after the Legislature adjourned, Alaska small business owners learned it wasn’t really so. The shortcuts meant we were stuck with the governor’s first draft.

So how many Alaska small businesses are getting grants? In the first week, nearly 1,200 of Alaska’s roughly 70,000 small businesses applied. 51 got approved. The money isn’t getting where it needs to, largely because the Dunleavy Administration’s rush made so many ineligible.

Alaskan-owned small businesses create tens of thousands of jobs. They need to survive the pandemic if our state is going to have an economy. From restaurants to architects, mom & pop shops to local tour companies, our neighbors are struggling to keep their doors open and Alaskans working. Every day, these Alaska entrepreneurs come closer and closer to shutting off the lights, losing their savings, and costing more Alaska workers their jobs. None of which was caused by their own actions—they’re bearing the cost of saving lives from the COVID-19 pandemic.

How do we fix it? Legislators need to call ourselves back into session and revise the grant rules so businesses that got a little help from Uncle Sam can still get a hand from the state grants. In May, we showed  the Legislature can focus on the emergency and act fast. It could happen in five days.

Senate Democrats call on our colleagues to bring the Legislature back into session and get Alaska small businesses the relief they need. We must act, and we must act quickly.

Senate Democratic Caucus

Juneau, AK

Presidential loss

I heard comments previously that POTUS DJ Trump would not voluntarily vacate the White House at election loss time to make way for the election winner. I thought that to be plausible commentary considering the unpredictability of the incumbent. However, I heard on national news this evening that if a lost election became a reality, the military could enforce the removal of the loser if necessary. So much for becoming a dictator in the United States.

Gilbert Keywehak

Mt. Pleasant, MI

Anchorage trip for medical

Akaurtug medivac-alqa Anchorage-amun. Lung cancer-arlua cakneq amllermeng aunralallruunga, to a point where my blood levels got extremely dangerously low!

Cali nallunritua relative-anka amlleret wangtun piut. Cakneq kuy’gnaqpialuteng (sp?). Taugaam pinertutacimnun ikayuut’lartukut.

Cali amlleret ilama tangluklaraakut (tua-i-wa taangam iinrut-llu pivkarluki.) Wanirpak cali assiilliqua ilamnek. Taum wani cuut tuarpiaq cakneq caunrilkelaqai.

Calillgutni qeyianeng avalitkurluki school-arat-llu yaaken preschool-amun college-llu kiturluku elicalriit. Teggenret-llu nengaurqaqurluki.

Canrituq elmineng iqlumeng taugaam cumiggluni! Nakleng. Agayuquralaraqa. Kiima pinrituq, amlleret-llu tuateng nakmiin ilama piaqatnga ciknalriit-llu 

Makut ak’arpagmun qanruteksuitelruanka taugaam umyuqamnun tememnum serious medical conditions (inherited) ilalqautnguata qanruteksuartanka!

I came back to Bethel (delight delight!) on the a.m. of April 29th, having had my last radiation the day prior. I’ve one disappointment. I was told by many of my friends that my friend (first initial B) had left Bethel. I want so much to see him. Handsome. Please if you see this please contact me and do not believe so many lies told about me, okay? I am one of the “nicestest” persons in the universe and beyond, even to my worst enemies. I am always being good to them.

But darn it, no one will be allowed to take advantage of me in any way, shape or form anymore! I do not care who you are.

I was transferred to a worst ALH in Anchorage. The Angelous ALH where it’s very very very filthy as are the owners, employees, and clients. Taugaam cakneq naklekanka client-ait-llu.

Piarkaucimitun aulukumanritut cali avalitngurluteng cait-lu calistet teglegturluki.

Una iga ayagluku report-autekengramku qaillun federal, State of Alaska, medical agencies-at qaill’ piyuitait. Cii. Umyuama akaurtuq sue-arnaluki represent-at-llu federal, State, Universal ikayurtait!

Ciin wii makuneng igarcia? Anglanarqelrianeng taugaam una ayagallemni igaqatallruunga!

Kitak mat’um alingnarqelriim nalliini tamamta ikayuutelta, kiturivkenata, Cillam Iingan alerquutai inerquutai pisqutai aturluki. Ilaput-llu kituunivkenaki kenekluki qaa?

Quyana cakneq. Iganqigeskuma anglanarqelrianeng taugaam igaryugtua. God bless all.

Ms. Mary C. Nanuwak

Bethel, AK

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