The Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation is limiting visitors to their primary care facility in Bethel. In an announcement posted yesterday (March 19th, 2020) YKHC is closely monitoring the outbreak of COVID-19.
“Preventing the spread of this virus, especially to our elders and other vulnerable populations, is a top priority for us in our response to the virus. To help prevent the spread of the virus, effective today, YKHC is limiting visitors to our primary care facility,” said YKHC.
Additionally, everyone entering the YKHC facility in Bethel will be required to answer health screening questions. Visitors who have fever/cough/cold symptoms will be turned away. Patients with those symptoms will be given a mask to wear.
Effective March 19, YKHC is instituting a temporary visitor policy:
•No visitors in patients who are in isolation rooms, critical care rooms, or the Emergency Department
•For our hospitalized patients who require escorts:
-One visitor who will stay with the patient during the entire period of hospitalization
•For our obstetrical patients on Labor and Delivery
One labor support person who will stay with the patient during the entire period of hospitalization
•For our pediatric patients:
-Two visitors will be authorized, one with the child at a time
•No visitors under the age of 14
•Hand washing/hand sanitizer required
•No visitors with fever/cough/cold symptoms
•No pregnant or immunocompromised visitors
•No visitors under any circumstances to the YK Elder’s Home
-Family visits are being coordinated via phone and video teleconference
•Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis
This policy will only remain in effect during the COVID-19 outbreak.
YKHC is asking the public to call before seeking care regarding COVID-19. If you have symptoms like a cough, fever or shortness of breath and have traveled out of the YK Delta in the past 14 days, do not go to your village clinic and do not go to the Emergency Room in Bethel. Instead, call your village clinic, or in Bethel, call 543-6949.