by ADFG Staff
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announces an extension of the winter season for muskox hunting on Nunivak Island in Unit 18. The season will be extended until March 31, 2019.
The extended season will allow hunting opportunity for drawing and registration permittees who were unable to access the hunt area due to a period of extended poor weather during the months of February and March. The population of muskox on Nunivak Island has surpassed its population objective and additional harvest is desirable to reduce the population. All other muskox seasons and bag limits in Unit 18 remain unchanged and are not affected by this emergency order.
Hunters with questions about muskox hunting in Game Management Unit 18 are encouraged to contact Patrick Jones at the Bethel Area Office of ADF&G at (907)543-2839 or Keith Oster at (907)543-1678.
This news release was issued on March 15, 2019.