by Greg Lincoln
Hello friends. This past week we have been notified about many different cancellations and postponements for some of our most beloved events here in the YK delta and statewide due to the concerns swirling around the corona virus that is spreading globally.
It is up to us to make sure we do everything we can to prevent it from coming into our homes and communities.
The recommendations from the Alaska’s Chief Medical Officer are to practice good hygiene, stop handshaking and use other noncontact methods of greeting, keep your hands clean by frequent washing, disinfect surfaces regularly.
For meetings and events use videoconferencing when possible, adjust or postpone large gatherings, and consider limiting all non-essential travel. Encourage social distancing.
Handle food carefully, strengthen health screenings for food staff, practice strict hygiene.
If you feel sick, stay home. Don’t go to work or be out in public if you’ve had a fever, stay home for 72 hours after your last fever. If someone in your household is sick, give them their own room if possible. Have only one family member care for them. Clean all utensils and surfaces regularly.
We’ve also seen firsthand the panic caused by the virus when we see the empty shelves at the store. We were at the 3A Western Conference finals for the Bethel teams and the grocery stores were all out of toilet paper, dish washing liquid, all the soap was gone, and medicines were scarce. They were also out of flour, which we need to make our bread and baked goodies.
What can we do? There is a choice we can make – keep calm and carry on.
We’ve survived every calamity and hardship known to man, we can work together and be resilient in these times of uncertainty, fear, and shortages. Hopefully the threat of the virus will diminish, stores will stock up on the items we need soon, and things will go back to normal.
And in all things, we need to continue to give thanks and pray for each other. Thank you for your support!