The Office of Subsistence Management has selected the winners of the 2020-21 Student Art Contest: Genevieve Muldoon, age 10, from Eagle won in the wildlife category, and Senkanne Alexie, age 17, from Tuluksak won in the fisheries category.
Muldoon’s artwork will serve as the cover art for the 2020-2022 Federal Subsistence Management Harvest of Wildlife regulations book, and Alexie’s artwork will serve as the cover art for the 2021-2023 Federal Subsistence Management Harvest of Fish and Shellfish regulations book, both to be distributed statewide. Eighty-seven art entries were submitted from students all over Alaska in grades K-12. Artwork submitted will be used for brochures, flyers, website and other mediums.
Information about the Federal Subsistence Management Program may be found on the web at www.doi.gov/subsistence or by visiting www.facebook.com/subsistencealaska.