by Grant Aviation
Grant Aviation is asking for your assistance to help preserve the Essential Air Service (EAS) program in Alaska. The Trump administration announced on March 17th their intention to cut funding for this program.
Congress created the Essential Air Service (EAS) program as part of the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 to ensure that small communities could maintain a minimal level of scheduled air service. This program has successfully allowed people who live in rural and less populated areas to have access to the national aviation system. In Alaska, this program includes 61 communities many of these are communities we serve.
As you are aware, Grant Aviation administers some EAS contracts in Southwest Alaska. While we receive income from these contracts, our communities will be the ones that suffer the most. Without federal subsidy, no one will be able to economically provide any type of passenger or freight service to your rural villages. Congress needs to know how this decision will personally impact our rural communities and that’s where we need you. It is impossible to provide one letter that would meet the needs of all people affected so, we ask you to personalize your letter.
Let the letter tell your story. Let them know who you are, where you live, why you live in your community and what you do for a living. If you are a family living a subsistence lifestyle, let them know. If you are a business, state the type of business and for how long you have been a part of your community. What type of air service do you receive in your community? This list might include mail, groceries and household items, delivery of product and goods, student transportation to school and sporting events, medical appointments and medivacs, elder and administrative travel for tribal meetings, borough events and conventions. Share with them a personal story on how air travel made a difference in your life this past year. This narrative might be your travel to a sporting event, a family wedding, funeral, or a visit to a family member living in a near-by village.
Grant Aviation is privileged to provide service to your community. It is important to us that our western Alaska communities continue to receive passenger and mail service to the best of our ability. Your timely response is important. Please be sure to copy both of our US Senators and Congressman. The addresses and emails have been provided below.
•Senator Dan Sullivan
Attn: Mike Fleagle
Deputy Chief of Staff
702 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Mike Fleagle, Chief of Staff
Scott Leathard, Transportation
•Congressman Don Young
Attn: Chad Padgett
Deputy Chief of Staff
4241 B Street, Suite 203
Anchorage, AK 99503
Chad Padgett, Chief of Staff
Kevin Sweeny, Transportation
•Senator Lisa Murkowski
510 L Street, Suite 600
Anchorage, AK 99501
Chelsea Holt, Aviation
Grant Aviation
Anchorage, AK
of course we would expect this from him. sad sad sad.