Hello! My name is Daniel Teeluk from Kotlik. I am writing this letter from the Yukon Kuskokwim Correctional Center. This is no place to be when you have so much to lose. May the spirit that raised our king and savior Jesus Christ be with you all.
Please forgive each other before it is too late. For we don’t know when it will be our turn to sleep in death. Our God Jehovah is willing to set free all people. He is not wanting anyone to perish but that we’ll all come to repentance.
Please, in order for healing please forgive each other. Thank you.
Daniel Teeluk, YKCC
Bethel, AK
Hello out there
I have thought to want to run for Senate just to be able to spend the money the way it is supposed to be spent. It’s just too bad I really don’t care about money, I’d rather care about people, therefore I have no money to go anywhere. Otherwise, I love meeting and talking to people.
I think I liked working at the school the most because there was always something to do. I was taught that if you aren’t doing something at work – you shouldn’t be getting paid so I can never just sit there.
I was taught the people are precious. That everyone are all people, therefore everyone means something. Every person is special, no matter the color.
I was taught that if you have extra of something and you see a person who needs it more than you, you give it to them.
When I went to meetings when I was young with my parents, they would sometimes go into the next morning because they already went to midnight. Why? Because they would listen to what anyone had to say about the subject. Especially, it seems in the PTA (Parent Teacher Association) meetings. I would get booted out at 10, my parents would often come home around midnight. At times they’d say, “Arah, got to go back in the morning.”
I was thinking – there are 309 Alaskan villages, why not have them do Community gardens and send them seeds. That would help subsidize some food anyway.
They advertise connex box houses for cheap enough. Guess I’d see about 10 per village and see if there would be grants out there so the villages could apply for to match that. Since it seems a house costs an arm and a leg. At least it would give some people a place to live.
I believe that people have the right as to whether or not they take the vaccine. It is their given right. I don’t think it should impede their work. I also think that people don’t need the booster shots. They already took the 2 shots, it has been shown that even with the 3rd one they still get COVID. My belief is that sure it is a virus, we get different ones every year. Every year some people die from them but, most people don’t.
I think that for people’s well-being, it is time to quit being so scared, and start taking care of each other again.
I have told some of the Legislature who happen to come across my path, “You’re not supposed to come to a village for just 2 to 4 hours, you’re supposed to stay 2 to 4 days and listen to what people have to say.”
Anyway, take care you all. Remember to tell people where you’re going so they won’t have to look everywhere. And, there’s probably water under the snow/ice. Don’t forget to check on each other.
Karen Nanouk
Unalakleet, AK
Vote no on SB130 Electronic Pulltabs
What would Alaska look like with 3,700 electronic pulltabs in our state? The Electronic Pulltab suppliers put 3,700 machines in North Dakota. They will do the same thing in Alaska. They want to install 2,000 electronic pulltab machines in Anchorage.
Vote No on SB130 Electronic Pulltabs.
Alaska will look like Las Vegas with thousands of electronic pulltab machines in every convenience store, gas station, donut shop, café, restaurant, bar, liquor store, shopping mall, and supermarket.
Learn about predatory gambling and electronic pulltabs at www.stoppredatorygambling.org. (Stop Predatory Gambling is not affiliated with Stop the slot machines).
Keep our charitable gaming money in Alaska. Fees charged by the suppliers of electronic pulltabs will take $30,000,000 each year from our Charities. Protect our Charities. Stop Senate Bill SB130.
Alaskans for the Protection of Charitable Gaming
Anchorage, AK