Four years ago I was running against Zulkoski, my mission is still the same … The PFD is almost gone, taxes are the next budget filler for the legislature and we’ve had no one fight for the people, only legislators that steal from the middle and lower income, to protect their top 20% position in life.
I have fought the Feds to keep our River open for subsistence and will continue to do so. I’ve lived subsistence for my entire life (except while I was in the Army). Our kids are Tribal Members, fighting and scratching to make a living.
We’re not hearing issues from the other candidates. They are not saying if they support males in women’s sports, restrooms and locker rooms. I definitely don’t, but the State Democratic platform does… So I’m thinking my three opponents do too.
All three are absolutely silent on the gas crisis in Cook Inlet, which will affect our costs on everything out here… They’re silent on whether they support allowing the Legislature joining the Earning Reserve Account (ERA) to the PF Corpus so they can raid it till our $80 Billion is drawn down to nothing… just like the Statutory Budget Reserve (SBR) and our Constitutional Budget Reserve, which amounts to about $20 Billion of our savings. Gone gone gone‼️
They’re silent on how to pay back the CBR, like our Constitution requires… About $14 Billion, give or take half a Billion or so. They’re silent on the $8 Billion that was moved from the ERA to the PF Corpus… Which came directly from your PFD check, as to why all of a sudden we have “a financial crisis” and need to allow them into our last pot of savings that’s there to benefit all of us, our children and grandchildren…
They all support taking the last of your PFD and handing it to the Unions… where do they stand on Defined Benefits as opposed to improving the Defined Contributions for State employees??? How about the neverending phony cry from the chicken littles that the sky is falling on our education system, no matter how many extra Hundreds of Millions $$$ we throw to the K-12 system each year???
When are my three opponents GOING TO TELL US WHERE THE MONEY COMES FROM TO PAY FOR ANY OF THIS???… they won’t, cause the only fund left is your PFD and they don’t want to tell you, there is no more PFD… if they give it to the Unions… not even a peep out of any of the three Democrats.
What’s different from four years ago to today is I’m not accepting campaign donations from anyone. Can my opponents say that?? No, I’m not rich, I draw Social security and live in a Village for the last ten years… Along with living in Bethel for twenty seven years… None of my opponents can say the same for their adult lives.
Thank you for your support. Now we’re going to take my knowledge and experiences, go to Juneau and fight for the people with no voice or representation for the last couple decades on the YK Delta.
The real election is the first Tuesday of November… vote like your children’s future depends on it, cause it does.
Willy Keppel
House District 38 Candidate
Quinhagak, AK
Call for President’s Award Nominations – Deadline Extended
Dear Delegates and Friends of AFN:
The deadline for nominations for the President’s Awards has been extended to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, August 31, 2024. You can click here to access the award information on our website.
The President’s Awards that will be honored in 2024 are the following:
Eileen Panigeo MacLean Education
Hannah Paul Solomon “Woman of Courage”
Katie John Hunter-Fisher
Roger Lang Youth Leadership
Small Business
Gin’tith (Richard Frank) Military Service
Glenn Godfrey Law Enforcement
Important notes:
A Microsoft Word Format is preferred to submit your nomination form and it is available for download;
Late submissions will not be considered by the Convention Committee;
Travel, hotel, per diem, or other expenses are paid by the nominators; and
The nominators will be notified no later than September 13, 2024, of the winners.
The 58th Annual AFN Convention will take place October 17-19, 2024, at the Dena’ina Civic & Convention Center in Anchorage, Alaska.
Alaska Federation of Natives
Anchorage, Alaska