by Peter Twitchell
I can share that I have been in church gatherings since infancy. Mom always bundled me up and brought me to worship services in church for the family of God gatherings, to sing praises and worship our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I have never regretted any of this throughout my years to being a teenager.
Mom gathered in church with others and they were all there for each other. They gathered as a family of the Almighty God Jesus Christ of Nazareth to gather and recharge and encourage one another. We usually gather together every Sunday and the rest of the week. Let’s face it, we usually get worn down by a world that is full of bad things and most of all, to stand alone against the enemy of our souls and his army, can be difficult and challenging.
But that’s a part of Almighty God’s family plan. We can recharge and we can gather and worship to hear the word of Almighty God three times a week on average to worship as a congregation body of one in Christ Jesus of Nazareth. This is supernatural when you sit down and think about it, it’s like gathering to recharge. We always recharge our batteries so we can have power and function better.
I know one thing for certain: as church members of the congregation we support and encourage one another, never to lose faith in the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth who died on the cross Calvary, that we could have an option to be saved and to be one with Him.
Myself I look at it as a good thing to be victorious like our Lord over death of our soul and be saved from the sins of a dark world we live in. Thank goodness for that. Just as our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth was victorious over death we too can share in His triumph in this world of darkness if we choose to follow Him and his commandments.
Simply, our choice.
As followers of our Lord God we stimulate one another, we help our children, we pray for one another, being good examples as adults. We continue to read the word of God, worship, sing and pray to our Almighty God and master.