Alaska lronworkers applaud Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan for their votes in opposition to stripping Davis Bacon wages from the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors for America (CHIPS) Act.
Senators Murkowski and Sullivan joined a bipartisan majority of fifty-eight Senators in defeating an anti-prevailing wage amendment to the bill. This vote signals the Senators’ support for family sustaining wages for construction workers in our state as we expand into the development and production of semiconductor manufacturing facilities.
The CHIPS Act is the first bipartisan step towards restoring the strength of American manufacturing and getting Alaskans back on their feet. The COVID-19 pandemic proved that our state’s – and our nation’s economies – cannot rely solely on foreign made components. This vote shows Senator Murkowski’s and Senator Sullivan’s support for fair wages and good jobs for hardworking Alaskans.
Last year, key provisions of the CHIPS Act passed in the National Defense Authorization Act with bipartisan support. This amendment funds those provisions by allocating a total of $49.5 billion over the next 5 years towards necessary research, development, construction, and production of semiconductors that our nation’s manufacturers require to continue producing necessary goods right here in the United States.
Anchorage, Alaska
Hello out there
Be the CHANGE you want to SEE… Although I have ached for more years than I have said my piece, in my heart you are worth someone speaking out about whatever it may be.
Your voice counts (at least in my books), and all of you should be heard.
My wish is that people would take over writing to the newspapers. Tell their stories, learn from each other. Tell the wrong, so it can be made right. Be strong. Show you care.
Hey everyone… They said they are creating monies for Small Businesses. Well, now is the time to do what you are good at, and CREATE it into a SMALL BUSINESS… If you always wanted to be an auto mechanic and are good at it – go for it. You can now apply to get help for monies to buy your equipment, and pay for the business application, and live your dream job.
Just need to figure out what you need, get whatever it is, find a place to do it (even your garage works), and make sure you keep good books. Maybe you know a bookkeeper you can hire for X hours a week.
A few of us would like to thank the New Patient Housing and Shuttle Staff for being there to help with our needs. Quyanna-buk. Thanks for having the COVID testing pretty much outside the door. As for getting the results, at least if you won’t put it inside the downstairs of the Patient Housing, may as well put it somewhere in the ANMC, like where we go to get the Medicaid paperwork, so our Elders and disabled people don’t have to leave the building to get their results for flying. They said the results can be faxed to the front desk.
People, when you’re driving out there and go to places like the New Patient Housing, have respect for the Shuttle drivers and other patients and pull your car forward… Especially when you have to wait awhile. If you are delivering food and have to wait for the person, pull forward, lock your door, and wait. Better yet – call them 5 minutes before you get there.
If you know someone who has been there for awhile, bring them something different to eat. Lord knows how much they’d appreciate it. You know you would.
Please pray for the people who are hurting – there is so many different kinds of hurt – the homeless and the helpless, that children get enough sleep and food to be able to concentrate in school, the villages without a pastor, our governing bodies – may they willingly listen to what people have to say. And each other.
God bless you all. Don’t forget to tell people which way you’re going. That way if they have to go find you, they know where. Bring extra food and clothing too. Take care you all, as always…
Karen Nanouk
Unalakleet, AK