by Greg Lincoln

Hello friends. You are in our thoughts continually and we are hoping that you are making the best of each day. If you think about it, evey day that we continue on through the COVID-19 pandemic is one more day nearer to the day when things will return back to what we are more used to: attending events, socializing with our friends, eating together, and attending church in our very own sanctuaries, and so much more.
As people, the human race is very social. We love getting together and being around others, our friends, our relatives. We are bound together by where we choose to live, our language and culture, and by the excellent foods and resources that we harvest from our native homeland that we share. We are also joined together by the common events and circumstances that we live through, such as this pandemic.
Thank you to all of our brave and hardworking health care workers, front line responders, the nurses and doctors who are at the battle front, and to our every day folks who are closest to those who have been quarantined. Quyana to our Governor and his staff and to Dr. Zink for the daily updates on the status of our state and thank you to the many volunteers in Bethel who have stepped up to help sew masks for the hospital. You are our heroes!
Our condolences and prayers go out to the families who have lost loved ones to COVID-19. It seems unimaginable, but each loss always is or seems to be.
We hope and pray that you are in good health and for us all to have the strength to get through the coming days. We are resilient, don’t give up hope. Quyana.